Thursday, January 26, 2023

Do not go gentle into that good night ...

Ice Picture Frame

To date, yours truly has resisted the Siren call of ChatGPT, the AI able to generate quality writing with minimal effort. This ease of use also applies to MidJourney and DALLE-2 as all one needs to generate 3D photorealistic images is to type in the desired set of words, the same process one uses to generate code vis a vis the AI known as GPT3.  Regarding music, Amper seems to be a viable weapon of choice, which sounds pretty damn cool I must admit. 

For you, my loyal readers, using AI in the realm of writing, however, will not be applied as it took years to learn this difficult craft, thanks, in large part, to The Elements of Style in helping me produce credible work, something ChatGBT will compromise if said tech is enabled to do the heaving lifting.

Elements of Style cover.jpg

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