Ice is a dangerous beauty, glorious to behold but treacherous to a fault. Enjoy.
Monday, January 31, 2022
It's everywhere ...
It's everywhere. It's in our lungs, it resides in the oceans, it's literally everywhere and we all know what it is, plastic, aka frozen oil, an indispensable way to package stuff and ... pollute the environment.
It's everywhere ...
Tantalizingly close ...
Tantalizingly close, life might be living on Mars as we speak based on what Curiosity has discovered.
The upshot ,,,
Tantalizingly close indeed.
Friday, January 28, 2022
The Trump coin
The Donald coinage goes mainstream with various depictions of Agent Orange from "riding a missile" to classic smirks, rendered in gold or silver, take your pick.
When reading this, channeling Don't Look Up and Dr. Strangelove comes to mind as the world's in meltdown mode with the US leading the way when it comes to group psychosis and the ability for people to believe anything after reading "reputable"sources such as Qanon, among significant others.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
A squabble of gulls
The sound of gulls says it all Noisy, preening and varied to the max, the squabble's constantly in flux looking for tiny morsels to feast on. Enjoy.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Hawking may be right after all
Stephen Hawking predicted black holes eventually disappear thanks to the vagaries of quantum mechanics. Seems preliminary evidence from BH mergers shows his take may be right after all.
It's all about echoes.
As per the title of this blurb ... Hawking may be right after all.
We all die ...
We all die, including stars, the entities that make life possible when they too go to their maker. Eta Carinae'se not quite there yet but her end is inevitable, just like the rest of us.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Every once in a while, a beautiful diagram appears, something magical and subtly mysterious, an image like the one seen above showing the final destination of the Webb. Stellar says it all.

Monday, January 24, 2022
$40,000 ...
For $40,000, rampant censorship, overbearing litigation and technological and economic chaos could ensue if a defamation damages award stands, thanks to a Victoria Supreme Court ruling against Google.
Lawyers of all stripes are licking their chops on this one.
The game has changed ...
Yours truly's not a gamer though the graphics in said games is truly stellar with raytracubg now becoming ubiquitous in order for games to become photorealistic. The size of the industry's much bigger than Hollywood and the impact on society's truly immense but the game (pardons the pun) has changed as seen by an insightful Tech Radar article.
To whit ...
The gaming industry is now number 2 on the market but still behind the television industry, clearly number 1, mainly due to its immense advertising revenues. However, experts predict that in the future, advertising budgets will be shifted more and more to the Internet (already over 50% of all advertising revenues) at the expense of television. (Source:
As seen per the chart, Movies = $455b while Video games = $1603b.
By 2024, the breakdown goes like this ...
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Rememberence ... of ice & winter
The Unfolding of Time
Saturday, January 22, 2022
100 Seconds to Midnight
Telepresence ... for real
Still a prototype but the tech's impressive and telepresence's no longer just a concept but something actually real. In this writer's opinion, Google's thinking long term with a view of making tech ubiquitous and invisible. AR glasses using the Starline approach is a first step. The question to ask is, Can Google pull it off?
Le Voyage Dans la Lune
Le Voyage dan la Lune, a 1902 masterpiece by Georges Méliès, is visionary, charming and absolutely state of the art. Hugo, a loving tribute by Martin Scorsese, adds to just how profound Méliès truly was.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Rodan returns
The graphic depicting The Donald as a rampaging Rodan is apt as the repugs have no answer to Agent Orange. Without a certain sense of irony, network nooze wants him back in the saddle due to the fact Trump's the all time money maker for said networks but for the rest of us, the country can ill afford having this sorry excuse for a human being becoming president yet again but it could just happen given to what's going on as of late in the good ole USA in the year of our lord 2022.
It gets better, right?
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Monday, January 17, 2022
What art truly is.
Alignment 101
Focusing on the task ahead for the Webb to become a functioning telescope will take month as aligning the 18 mirrors to peer into the past is most exacting as one can well imagine.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Saturday, January 15, 2022
The Tragedy of Macbeth
Yours truly's favorite play, the first example, IMHO, of existentialism writ large, where existence cares not but simply is, no matter what man conjures up regarding his brief participation on Shakespeare's world stage. In viewing Coen's amazing adaptation, one sees what the abyss looks like, echoing later writers like Camus, Melville, Beckett and Conrad, in trying to explain a reality we will never fully understand.