Sunday, October 20, 2024

A difference of opinion :)

You gotta laugh, right? Liuyu Animation rules. :)

0 & then Sum ...


When looking at this "wonderful" pix taken by yours truly, the relationship of infinity to zero applies as said entities are complimentary to each other as one requires the other in order to become complete, something beautifully illustrated by the Yang/Yin symbol showing the two forever transitioning from zero to infinity while, at the same time, possessing some of the characteristics of the other depicted by dots of opposing color residing in the center of each. 

With this in mind, it seems 0's are hardwired into the brain because zero, like infinity, journeys to forever, a concept really hard to let go of without question. :)

Factoid, The ancient Greeks hated the notion of zero. This is why Zeno's Paradox works. :)

Everything's connected. 

Hunter's Moon

The ultimate enabler

Without the US as ultimate enabler, Israel would cease to exist, something to consider when seeing how Israel is "interacting" with neighboring states. Now comes a security breach, which sounds legitimate, regarding Israel's expected response to Iran's Oct 1 missile attack, a most disconcerting turn of events possibly opening the gates of hell known as WW III.

To whit.

The data.

The documents are attributed to the US Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, and they note that Israel was still moving military assets in place to conduct a military strike in response to Iran’s blistering ballistic missile attack on 1 October. They were sharable within the “Five Eyes”, which are the US, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

The documents, which are marked top secret, were posted to the Telegram messaging app and first reported by CNN and Axios. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The investigation is also examining how the documents were obtained – including whether it was an intentional leak by a member of the US intelligence community or obtained by another method, like a hack – and whether any other intelligence information was compromised, one of the officials said. As part of that investigation, officials are working to determine who had access to the documents before they were posted, the official said.

The horror, the horror ...

In the national interest ...

Seems America's national interests don't matter, only Israel's as its logical for a country with 9.3 million citizens and smaller than New Jersey should be the tail wagging the dog here without question.

Israel vs the US.

The abyss looms.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hunter's Moon 2024

God Rays :)

Wave Guide

Hunter's Moon CU


The game awaits


Hunter's Moon 2024

Game Time

The Island @ Dusk


FM Low Tide

4 Way "Street"

High Frequency


Less than a mote ...

As stated before in BRT, we are less than a mote in god's eye.

The tech ... behind the never ending quest for knowledge. :)

Science done right never disappoints. :)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The horror, the horror ...

People leaving Gaza City for safer areas following the Israeli army's orders to evacuate on Saturday.
Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images

Cognitive dissonance applies. Israel has a right to defend itself but within limits, something not the case as it continues the art of genocide in Gaza. A two state solution is the only viable way out of this disaster but in order to do that, Bibi and company have to go but that won't happen unless the US grows a pair and tells its pit bull no more ordnance because if that becomes policy, Israel no longer can wage its unlimited personal vendetta against the Palestinians. 

Israel's in dire straits thanks to the intransigence of its insane leaders. The only way Israel exists is because of the unconditional backing of the US as it's now becoming an increasingly destitute pariah in conducting a 5 front war it cannot win. Something wicked this way comes and it's coming for Israel unless it changes course and soon.

 At least 22 people have been killed in airstrikes in northern Gaza, with Israeli forces stepping up their campaign on the besieged Palestinian territory even as fighting in the new war in Lebanon escalates.

On Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) renewed its evacuation orders for Palestinians still living in the decimated northern half of Gaza, although many residents say the fighting and Israeli sniper fire make it impossible to leave.

Avichay Adraee, an IDF spokesperson, told people that the area includes parts of Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood and sections around Jabalia, the urban refugee camp.

In a social media post, Adraee asked people living there to head south to al-Mawasi, a coastal area of southern Gaza where hundreds of thousands of people are already displaced. A total of 84% of the territory is currently under evacuation orders, pushing civilians into ever-dwindling “humanitarian zones” which Israel has bombed regardless.

The UN says an estimated 400,000 people are trapped by the latest ground fighting and artillery fire centred in Jabalia, which has now entered a second week.

“It is getting tougher every day. The fear and the conditions are unspeakable,” said Badr Alzaharna, 25, from Gaza City. “I cannot leave. I want to travel but I can’t. Rafah crossing has been closed since May.”

Conrad's  Heart of Darkness applies ...

Hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza remain trapped by the latest Israeli offensive centred on Jabaliya refugee camp, according to UN agencies and human rights groups.

“At least 400,000 people are trapped in the area,” Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN Palestinian refugee agency, Unrwa, posted on X on Wednesday, amid witness accounts of bodies lying uncollected in the streets because of the renewed fighting.

“Recent evacuation orders from the Israeli authorities are forcing people to flee again & again, especially from Jabaliya camp,” added Lazzarini. “Many are refusing because they know too well that no place anywhere in Gaza is safe.”

The Israeli military says the large-scale raid, now in its fifth day, is intended to stop Hamas fighters staging further attacks from Jabaliya and to prevent them regrouping, as at least 60 people were killed in Israeli military strikes on Gaza on Wednesday.

The word assume applies, does it not?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Sandwich Glass & then some :)

Had fun doing this one as it starts off with visiting the best burger place yours truly has ever eaten at, complete with sophisticated art tinged with a wry sense of humor not often seen in these uncertain days. The Sandwich Glass Museum walk thru is next, followed up by checking out bric brac located in a large "antique" store, a quick look at the Cape Cod RR and a leisurely stroll through a delightful outdoor garden. Enjoy :)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Into the rabbit hole ...

Photons, Gluons and possibly Gravitons travel at the speed of light as they are massless Bosons, acting either as force carriers which give rise to forces between other particles, or in one case give rise to the phenomenon of mass.  With this in mind, one question to ask is, do they experience time, if not, they can potentially live forever, something akin to the fact reality seems to be a forever construct as well. Another question to ask is, is EPR = EPR, as eloquently proposed by Leonard Susskind & Juan Maldacena, truly equivalent because if so, the emergence of space time from this intrinsic connect shows that space time is not fundamental as the quantum foam would be considered timeless if it consists of wormholes winking in and out of existence based on the size of the wormhole in question, something researchers are now beginning to ask in earnest regarding the possibility of tiny primordial black holes being everywhere, thus potentially giving rise to Dark Matter

The emergence of leptons, hadrons and fermions, driven by the er = epr environment, could also possibly explain how said entities experience time, a characteristic already well known to be true based, in part, to numerous Beta Decay experiments showing how neutrons decay into protons.  In essence, we are but temporary arrangements of the quantum foam. 

To this lay physics philosopher to the extreme, this works as this description of reality may finally describe what the quantum jitters truly are as the smaller the worm hole, the shorter the lifetime, constantly winking in and out of existence, as stated before, as needs warrant. This notion also explains why reality is granular if existence consists of wormholes where space is considered an absolute due to the configuration of the wormholes themselves (see above graphic). This take on existence may also include superstrings to the mix as said theory states that reality consists of tiny vibrating strings with differing vibrations giving rise to the three classes of sub atomic particles depicted by the diagram below.

The analog/digital equation: As seen by the graphic above, reality is digital with analog override.
Existence's also an information appliance to the max. :)

To whit

John Wheeler's insightful notion of existence being an information construct (from It to Bit) makes sense as the photon, (boson), the force carrier of the electromagnetic, becomes digital by transitioning from an analog wave into discrete energy packets (quanta) when absorbed by leptons (the electron), a radical solution to the black body problem described in detail by Max Planck in 1900, thus introducing Quantum Mechanics to the world.  Prior to absorption,  photons, aka light, exist as analog waves, something readily seen by Thomas Young's brilliant 1801 double slit experiment.

Seen below are photons, comprised of analog waves, striking a metal plate. When absorbed by the metal plate's electrons, the photons transform into quanta or packets of energy (digital), able to be absorbed by the metal plates's electrons enabling said electrons to be dislodged from the plate. The higher the frequency of light, aka photons, the higher altitude the electrons attain when dislodged from the plate.

As stated before, light's extremely weird. Either analog or digital, depending on its state, photons, the force carrier of the electromagnetic, is an analog wave when traveling in free space but when absorbed by an electron, it becomes digital or a packet of energy i.e. quantum, as it must transform in such a way for it to be properly absorbed by, in this case, an electron. When a electron's energy level drops, the photon emitted reverts back to being an analog wave, which means ... reality is digital with analog override, endlessly switching from one to the other as needs warrant. According to Louis de Broglie, this notion of matter/wave/digital/analog duality applies to all particles, which means reality remains in constant flux, forever driven by the two laws of thermodynamics whereby energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed and  ... in a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems never decreases. A common corollary of the statement is that heat does not spontaneously pass from a colder body to a warmer body. 

In closing ...

The act of observation generates the collapse of the wave function as described by the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, the physics of the very small, an Alice in Wonderland view of the universe writ large when seen under the guise of exquisitely designed experiments showing how this aspect of reality rings true. What's interesting is the fact the act of observation is often anthropomorphized and not viewed as a core element of how existence functions as everything's entangled and decohered outside of scientific inquiry, thus enabling us rubes to see a consistent view of existence save for the extraordinary experiments conducted by physicists obsessed with how reality works at deep level.

Dividing Line

To be continued as the uncertainty principle rules without question as does incompleteness. :)