Thursday, January 16, 2025

8 states ...

Schrödinger's Cat, forever residing in the nether world of being either alive or dead, is the glamor puss of quantum mechanics, the star participant in a theory most mystifying when it comes to trying to learn how reality works at deep level, is now being applied to building viable quantum computers thanks to Antimony, an element with 8 possible spin states leading to a better way to safeguard the inherently delicate qubits generated by quantum computers. 

To whit.

Gobbledygook ...

This all too common trait expressed endlessly by cops, politicians and academics of all stripes, contradicts
The Elements of Style in ways boggling the mind.

This is THE BOOK to read if you want to learn how to write. Concise, witty and above all else, competent, this little tome points the way to good writing with short commandments already adhered to by heavyweights like Hemingway, Faulkner and Orwell. Every time I reread Elements, I think of Orwell, master of the active tense and the self proclaimed enemy of turgid prose as seen by his insightful essay, Politics and the English Language.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

June 13, 1863 & then some

Waiting for Godot :)

This pix indirectly shows your's truly's take regarding AI and its potential for dominance over man with its intelligence continuing to increase at rates far exceeding that of humanity. Seems this fear of machine takeover is not new by any stretch of the imagination as seen by a letter penned by  Samuel Butler on June 13, 1863.


And this ...

Last but not least, Bill Joy's brilliant Why The Future Doesn't Us beckons.

An extraordinary day

The start of something special, a high pressure front, complete with clouds, makes its presence known.

The front ... arrives

The Front | Sunset rev I

The Front | Sunset rev II

The end of an extraordinary day :)

It seems ...

Well, it seems entanglement may be everywhere now that researchers recently discovered it to exist in the proton with its constituent parts, quarks and gluons, exchanging information instantaneously in similar fashion to electrons and photons, thus proving spooky action at a distance may be the fundamental way reality is stitched together to enable space and time to emerge as needs warrant. 

The neutron awaits ...

Picture two particles that can communicate instantly, regardless of how far apart they are. This phenomenon, known as quantum entanglement, challenges our understanding of how the Universe operates. Once considered a bizarre paradox by Albert Einstein, who referred to it as “spooky action at a distance,” entanglement has been repeatedly demonstrated on a macroscopic scale. More recently, scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery: this peculiar phenomenon also occurs within protons, the fundamental building blocks of matter. This revelation is reshaping our view of the microscopic world and paving the way for new scientific explorations.

The Proton

Monday, January 13, 2025

Glimpses of Winter 2025

Rt Angle

Edge Line

The Front

A Delicate Meander

The Front | Sunset

Entropy 101

On Thin Ice

Thursday, January 09, 2025

The end around ...

As my loyal readers know, I use AI from time to time but ... I make sure you know when I do as trust is hard to get but easy to lose and ... once gone, it's gone forever but some entities don't abide by this policy, especially when it comes to some landlords and their never ending quest to make ever more money using AI to make it happen. 

To whit

It turns out that many of the country's landlords are using the same artificial intelligence tool to jack up your rent.

Packaged as part of the popular property management software RealPage, the AI is nominally intended to give rent price recommendations to landlords.

But as we've seen elsewhere, the catch-all term of "AI" can be used to obfuscate what's really going on under the hood. According to a new report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) and covered by Popular Information, the AI tool, called "AI Revenue Management," is being used to facilitate collusion between these proprietors, allowing them to inflate rental prices by a total of more than $3.8 billion every year.

This, the CEA argues in its report, and the Department of Justice alleges in its lawsuit against RealPage, is a form of "price coordination" — which is illegal.

The end around ...

Joint Effort

According to the CEA report, nearly 1 in every 4 multifamily rental properties use a RealPage pricing algorithm.

In some municipalities like Atlanta and Denver, that proportion is higher than 50 percent, where the price increase caused by landlords using the RealPage AI is as high as $181 per month.

When competitors in a market explicitly agree to set a price for a type of good or service, that's price fixing. The practice is federally outlawed by the Sherman Act, because it's considered an anti-competitive move that leads to higher costs for consumers.

The RealPages AI works as a price fixer for "landlords collectively," the CEA argues, because its algorithm "will recommend prices that are higher than the profit-maximizing price each landlord would set independently."

In effect, the AI lets landlords act as a cartel without ever needing to directly communicate, thus making price-fixing difficult to prove. 

It's all about the money/rev L

Monday, January 06, 2025

Dangerville ...

The notion of dangerville comes to mind with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman glibly talking about superintelligence given the fact his company needs money before anything of consequence can be accomplished.

The cash nexus applies.

Does Eve have a naval?

Does Eve have a naval? Perplexing question is it not, a topic yours truly delved into when thinking about Ulysses and the Molly Bloom soliloquy and discussing it with Gemini to see what an AI had to say about this most interesting topic. :)


Looking without judgment is the start point for creating art as this approach enables one to freely see how seemingly unrelated ideas come together in the act of creation, something readily seen in Ulysses, Joyce's monumental loose connect to the Odyssey. a novel reflecting, in part, the 20th-century revolution of art and science, a masterwork both wondrous and mysterious to behold.

The question plus some bon, bons ...

The 5 unities applies to lower class Irishmen getting drunk and telling stores. Molly Bloom's soliloquy, at the end, is writing at its best. Question, Does Eve have a navel? :)


Based on at least two great works seen above, said art depicts Adam & Eve having navels.
As to why this is true, it's up to god to tell us why this is so. :)

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Doomscrolling ...

Interesting piece in Futurism detailing doomscrolling, the digital equivalent of brain rot, is just another manifestation of what's happening on the net where instant gratification isn't fast enough. Consider YouTube when one is watching an interesting piece on the blues and an unwanted ad to the max pops up. Obnoxious without question but no matter, they keep coming, interrupting our concentration while increasing our anger, designed to entice us rubes to click on said ad and buy something we don't need but do it anyway based on whim or driven by reptilian response mechanisms buried deep within our mammalian brains. One sees this in kid's toons where overstimulation of the cortex, at the expense of actually being able to concentrate, is rendered moot by the light speed insanity of the toon in question. No wonder the young can't concentrate on anything thanks to the existence of the ubiquitous cell phone, the ultimate additive device, designed, in part, to separate money from us or, inadvertently designed to reduce our ability to think with any degree of sophistication 24/7.

To whit.


Friday, January 03, 2025

What am I missing here?

It's all about the money/rev LX

About nine years ago, OpenAI seemed to a leading light in terms of AI and how it could benefit man in ways truly enlightening and cool as it was a non-profit appearing to have good intentions, eschewing money in the pursuit of research of the most powerful tech man has ever created. Well, that was not to be as OpenAI has been a rather questionable entity regarding ethics and the art of lying on the part of Sam Altman, the CEO of the company.

It gets better.

A subtle presence

About a year ago, yours truly said Google would be the prime driver of AI because of Deep Mind and its deep connect into medical, imaging and science, along with possessing a data set larger than any other company due to its preeminent position as the premier search engine of the world. It seems this take may be right as OpenAI's showing cracks in its armor and it's about time.