Saturday, January 27, 2018

Getting smarter 24/7 :)

A smart way to deal with fake news et al, eh? :)

Fake News - What the real owners of the country ...

One start point to understanding fake news is by Facebook's newsfeed as anonymous writers could, in the past, post virtually anything and, because FB has 2 billion users, this crap would get around to various parties all over the world within a blink of an eye. With luck, this nonsense involving Facebook will change but what people often forget about is the fact FN has been around for a long, long time. Think Yellow Journalism, William Randolph Hearst and the Sinking of the Maine as US examples of same writ large.

 How to spot it.

In closing ...

Critical Thinking anyone? G.C., RIP.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Inside/Outside - CT/NYC

A quick fun video using Luma Fusion, iPad and Smart Phone showing the environs of a mall, Bethel, CT & NYC. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Burger King Nails It.

Not a fan of Burger King per se but they nail it regarding Net Neutrality. Awesome.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Alien Life Form :)

Ancient, weird and deadly to other spiders, the Pelican Spider from Madagascar, is a true wonder in every way possible. 

Tiny but deadly, they are the size of a grain of rice.

How they hunt.

Pelican spiders are active hunters, the paper said. Rather than spinning their own webs, they prefer to stalk the trails of silk left behind by other spiders scuttling around their leafy habitats. At night, pelican spiders follow these silky bread crumbs, moving slowly and often upside down through the leaves. While the spider's back six legs do the walking, their front two legs sweep through the air, feeling for prey. After finally reaching the edge of another spider's web, pelican spiders can wait for hours for the right time to strike (earning them the moniker "assassin spiders").

Then, they strike with deadly efficiency. The spiders swing their chelicerae away from their bodies in a rapid, 90-degree arc tojab the pincers into their prey. Thanks to the spider's long necks and pincers, they keep their prey held harmlessly at arm's length while deadly venom pumps through the predators' chelicerae and into their victims.

Intense without question. :)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


In winter, one sees how time unfolds with fractal branching of trees and the expansion of ice as the temperature goes below freezing. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

From Land to Sea

From bitter cold inland to a preternaturally calm & warming coastline is the focus of this short clip. Enjoy.

Monday, January 08, 2018

To boldly go/Rev V

Juno strikes again, this time with a fly into the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

Data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft during its first pass over Jupiter's Great Red Spot in July 2017 indicate that this iconic feature penetrates well below the clouds. Other revelations from the mission include that Jupiter has two previously uncharted radiation zones. The findings were announced Monday at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans.

"One of the most basic questions about Jupiter's Great Red Spot is: how deep are the roots?" said Scott Bolton, Juno's principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. "Juno data indicate that the solar system's most famous storm is almost one-and-a-half Earths wide, and has roots that penetrate about 200 miles (300 kilometers) into the planet's atmosphere."

Science never disappoints.

Winter Light

Taking up after The Wolf Moon 2018, sun, bitter cold and a Nor'Easter of historic proportion take over, showing how winter's light is like no other. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Stone Soup :)

Back in the day, yours truly learned there were three states of matter, Solid, Liquid and Gas. That's it and ... inevitably, H2O was the model of showing this fact to be true due to the ease in which these states can be expressed by this unique compound known as water. In 2018, the notion of states has entered the quantum realm big time as described in a  Quanta Magazine article titled Physicists Aim to Classify All Possible Phases of Matter.

Classifying said phases is now akin to the periodic table classifying elements.

Stone Soup indeed. :)

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Never Ending War

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous." - George Orwell
Sound familiar? Well it should as the US has been conducting never ending war, beginning with Vietnam, since 1961. The number of wars won - Grenada & the first Iraq war, the rest, stalemates at best.

  • Over 370,000 people have died due to direct war violence, and at least 800,000 more indirectly
  • 200,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the fighting at the hands of all parties
          to the conflict
  • 10.1 million — the number of war refugees and displaced persons
  • The US federal price tag for the post-9/11 wars is about $5.6 trillion dollars
  • The US military is conducting counterterror activities in 76 countries
  • The wars have been accompanied by violations of human rights and civil liberties,
          in the US and abroad

  • The P&L of this folly, a total loss and we haven't even included the cost of Homeland Security, the loss of civil rights in this country, the ongoing immigration nightmare of Europe, caused by this insane initiative, or the 5.6 trillion spent that could have been used to rebuild our slowly crumbling nation. Words cannot describe just how America has been victimised by a bankrupt policy that is slowly killing our country one person at a time.

    Thursday, January 04, 2018

    2500 & Counting

    2500 blurbs, not bad, not bad at all IMHO as the notion of writing this many articles simply was not even imagined when BRT was founded on the insistence of a good friend, Marty H', who actually thought I might have something of worth to say to the world back in 2007. Now let's think about this, anyone of us rubes, connected to the web, can say things of value at literally no cost, save for hardware linked to the web. To yours truly, astounding says it all in light of just how immense and complex the internet truly is.

    With this notwithstanding, where are we as a species on planet earth in early 2018 with so much going on, both good and bad. Well for starters ...
    • Back in 2007, AI was taking off, in one way, by ascertaining credit worthiness when one applied for a credit card.
    • The smart phone, revolutionized by Apple, made the scene, thus transforming how the world communicated on a most personal level.
    • The web went prime time in NY minute.
    • The woeful era of "W" was coming to an end with a black president coming into view.
    • The tech titans were admired almost to a fault without the spectre of fake news circa 2018.
    • Amazon was starting to become the major online resource to buy stuff.
    • Web 2.0 was the next big thing with emphasis on video, graphics and social media.
    • Twitter, as short blurb machine, came online.
    • The slow death of print started gathering speed.
    • Writing. as art form. started to atrophy due to, in large part, texting, the voluntary approach to Newspeak given to just how limited texting truly is on, you guessed it, the smartphone.
    • Conversation, as art form, to the young, starts to atrophy due to, yet again, texting on the smartphone.
    • The iPad goes live in 2007.
    • They Live, the prescient SF film of the 80's, becomes reality due to the obsession us rubes have with the smartphone. 
    • News become no news with pundits gossiping on air about one story for one hour as this saves money by not having reporters on site actually reporting the news.
    • News is now Network writ large.
    Fast forward to 2018, a partial list at best. :)
    • Tech is everywhere with people obsessing over the smartphone more than ever.
    • Global warming is finally accepted as fact.
    • Facts are disdained by the uneducated as facts are hard to understand, ditto science.
    • News is dumbed down due to the statement above.
    • News is dedicated to selling ads and holding onto the demographic watching the news in question. i.e. Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, ect, ect, ect.
    • Robots become real.
    • Drones become real.
    • AI becomes real.
    • Crispr becomes real.
    • GMOs are everywhere, ditto franken chicken, beef and pork.
    • We are under surveillance 24/7'
    • Our civil rights have been trampled upon thanks to "W" and Obama.
    • The Arctic is unraveling.
    • The oceans are acidifying.
    • The Gulf Stream gyre is slowing down thanks to the loss of Albedo, thus causing the Arctic to become a heat sink.
    • The Antarctic is melting as is Greenland.
    • Resource depletion and environmental degradation is a given.
    • There are too many of us on planet earth.
    • Overshoot is moving toward June by 3 days a year. We need 1.5 earths to keep us going.
    • People are trying to save species but the outlook looks grim.
    • Earth doesn't need us.
    • Fake news is now starting to be written by AI.
    • Imaging and audio software, thanks, in part to Adobe, can now create artificial and modified entities that cannot be discerned from the real thing. Think an artificial Trump, god forbid, or any other person in public view.
    • Cinemagraphic video is everywhere.
    • China is now a superpower.
    • Trump and company look backward not forward as sustainable tech begins to take control.
    • Infrastructure is essential for a country to be viable, a notion Trump and the Deep State seem not to understand.
    • George Carlin was right, the real owners of the country don't want people capable of critical thinking.
    • The US is in decline, thanks to inept politicians, bought and paid for by the deep state who depends on never ending war to keep the money coming in.
    • Everything has a cost, there "ain't" no such thing as a free lunch due to the two laws of thermodynamics.
    • Sustainable tech becomes real.
    • Russia is coming back while America is losing it.
    • Trump threads a needle with the Electoral College and becomes president.
    • The US has no vision.
    • AI will replace many white collar jobs in the months and years ahead.
    • As per Bill Joy, The Future doesn't need us.
    • Never ending war is a prime part of US foreign policy as the nation no longer has a vision of itself in 2018.
    • Amazing things are happening in tech and science as we speak but one must look for it to see why this is true.
    • The web is now privatized, thanks to the mendacious stupidity of the FCC's Ajit Pai, the bought and paid for puppet of Verizon but the fight to turn the Net into a utility is not over yet thanks to the overwhelming majority of Americans who want the net left alone.
    • Obama was right, the existential threat we face, if Trump doesn't start a nuclear war, is Global Warming.
    • Governance is at risk due to the incompetence of all three branches. The cabinet also thanks to Trump loading it up with fools and mendacious entities who shall not be named.
    • The repugs don't know how to govern, the dems don't know how to think. 
    • A third party is definitely needed without question.
    • Dollars are now bits while Bitcoin is the tulip craze of 2018.
    • Last but not least, we will survive but it won't be easy.
    "Nuff said ... for now. :)

    Tuesday, January 02, 2018

    The Wolf Moon 2018

    The weather leading up to the "Super" Wolf Moon 2018 varied to the max as seen by this short clip. Enjoy. This Super Moon was the brightest yours truly has ever seen. Best.

    Monday, January 01, 2018

    For what it's worth ...

    Chris Hedges, Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan are people I respect as all have a deep understanding of governance and how it applies to society that rings true without question. With that as a given, BRT has talked at length about the vision this once great nation had back in the day, exemplified by  JFK who galvanized America by stating My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country., a far different vision of what we see today, a country owned by the corporations and a body politic, incompetent and corrupt in ways that stagger the imagination.

    Thanks Sam for turning me onto this amazing piece.

    The Wolf Moon 2018 +

    Winter Sky/Rev I

    Winter Light

    Winter Sun/Rev I

    The Wolf Moon 2018