Monday, December 30, 2024

2025 guesstimates ...

AI generated but you already know that, right?

Haven't done this in a while but here are some guesstimates
for 2025 as one cannot predict the future, ever. :)
    • The dumpster fire known as the Agent Orange administration begins its first year.
    • Fluoride may be banned in public water supplies thanks to RFK Jr., someone totally unqualified to run NIH in any way, shape or fashion.
    • The tech bros, Musk, Thiel, Besos, among significant others, take over government.
    • The MAGAs get screwed again. The difference from 2016 is that they finally realize the truth about Trump for the very first time.
    • Education. in the land of free and home of the brave. continues to descend into an abyss of its own making.
    • Climate change, the 900lb guerrilla, creates the new normal of weather anomalies 24/7.
    • 2025 will be the hottest year ever recorded but we already know that, right?
    • Israel, with US backing, continues its pursuit of genocide 24/7.
    • China's becoming the next superpower while the US continues to lose ground.
    • Ukraine becomes the next Korea with a DMZ separating Russia from western Ukraine.
    • Inflation is here forever, thanks to resource depletion, climate change and environmental degradation.
    • Countries are splintering thanks to climate change and the rise of far right politics.
    • England continues to go third world.
    • AI's everywhere, AGI's possible entry rises up near the end of 2025.
    • Facist capitalism and Neo-feudalism, thanks to gross inequality, goes prime time.
    • Inept politicians pander to get reelected as the government slides into incompetency.
    • US threatens Iran with Bibi's urging as Israel continues to run US foreign policy.
    • Politicians continue to be bribed with pennies on the dollar.
    • The Trump cabinet slides into irrelevancy due to unqualified entities running the show.
    • The US becomes a cold, tech driven haven controlled by AI and the tech power elite.
    • Women's rights no longer apply.
    • Christian Nationalism becomes a thing.
    • The supreme's corruption becomes obvious to the max. 
    • Analog computing begins to drive AI.
    • Life, or remnants of same, will be discovered on Mars.
    • US debt explodes with the advent of Trump's tax breaks for the rich.
    • The grift is on once the lame duck agent orange assumes office on January 21, 2025.
    • The death of empire for the US looms.
    • Job replacement via AI moves into high gear as unemployment rears its ugly head for real.
    • How much longer can the bubble, known as the stock market, continue to expand to red giant territory?
    • The ability to generate stuff at the same rate as 2024 begins to shrink thanks to GW.
    • The Arctic and Antarctic continue to melt at record pace.
    • Greenland may become part of the US if Trump has his way due to China's interest in gaining access to the world's largest island due to its incredibly important geographic location. Why? because of GW opening up trade routes, thus creating opportunity and competition among nations wanting to control the region for profit and power.
    • The same goes for the Panama Canal.
    • Quantum computing finally becomes real.
    • Quantum AI and the road to the Matrix becomes possible.
    • The multiverse becomes a thing.
    • Serious medical advancement, with the aid of AI, goes primetime.
    • In the end regarding the art of prediction, one never knows, do one? - Fat Waller

He was a good guy

Carter was a good guy. Caring, loyal and a true humanitarian, his take on the world, with emphasis on truly understanding the Palestinian equation, was nuanced and intelligent to a fault. He got hosed for inflation, something presidents have little real control over and got rightfully roasted over Eagle Claw, the ill planned and failed rescue mission of the hostages in Iran. but ... in retrospect, he did more in trying to establish peace in the Middle East than any other president.

To whit

There’s no predicting history’s verdict. Up to now, Jimmy Carter, who died on Sunday at age 100 in Plains, Ga., has been judged to be a middle-of-the-pack president, his one term in office remembered for circumstances and events that simply overwhelmed him: the seizure in Iran of 52 American hostages, the bungled attempt to rescue them, the gasoline lines, inflation, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Yet he is also considered one of America’s greatest ex-presidents, for using the residual star power of his office to help his successors and his country as a peacemaker, backstage diplomat, human rights champion, monitor of free elections and advocate for the homeless while finding time to write poetry and, by his own example, providing the best possible case for traditional religious values.

Not perfect by any means but ...

Lastly, his stance on cilvil rights is the right one without question.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Conversation III - The problem with 3 space

Which means light, as a wave, is analog when in free space but transitions into digital when striking the screen because said photons are absorbed by electrons but this absorption cannot be accomplished unless the transfer of energy via the photon must be properly formatted in order for the electron to absorb the photon as needs warrant. This is why this experiment exhibits the unique characteristics of light in such a profound and elegant way.

Thus begins Conversation III - The problem with 3 space.

Gemini understands the double slit experiment to the nth degree as an scientific and intellectual construct but the ability for the system to image the experiment correctly, not so much as the AI lives in  2 space similar to Abbot's Flatland, making it truly difficult for Gemini to intuitively understand the physical configuration of the experiment.

The 2D conundrum also applies to 3D graphics projected onto the flat screen of a computer as the screen is 2D and the 3 space environment is projected onto it, The inherent distortion of a 3D scene is eliminated if orthographic projection is used instead of perspective.

To whit.

Gemini's take on the double slit

This is Gemini's 1st take.

Here's the 2nd.

Gemini's analysis of this 3D representation of the double slit ...

Yours truly did the deed with Midjourey. Same result, awesome graphic but not right.

So ... 

To that end, the notorious double slit diagram is the star of the show to see if an AI imaging environment different from Imagen 3 could do the deed. The answer remains no even though MJ perfectly described the science behind the diagram sent and I quote: A diagram showing the double-slit experiment, which demonstrates the wave-like behavior of light. The diagram includes a screen with two slits, and a graph showing the interference pattern of light waves passing through the slits. 

End result: The essence of the DS diagram, 3D or otherwise, could not be accurately duplicated by various AIs in 3D which means ... this is a really difficult problem for AI to solve. 


Friday, December 27, 2024

Conversation II - Vision & Intelligence

Jumping Spiders rule but this blurb is only tangentially connected to these cool little guys but rather on vision and intelligence, topics of interest not only for yours truly but also for Gemini, as seen in Conversation II.

Me: Past  "wonderful" blurb | The Treachery of Images.

Gemini's response | slightly edited

Jumping Spiders

Conversation III - The problem with 3 space.

At war with itself ...

OMG, Ramsawamy actually spoke the truth ... Education in America sucks and immigrants play a positive role, particularly in the areas of tech and computing. With this being said, a shit storm of historic proportions is beginning to emerge in the land of MAGA without question.

To whit.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Letter to the Future

A wise and very funny guy, K. Vonnegut's quotes permeate BRT to no end as he is one of the very few people who really understands what it means to be human. His work always details the plusses and minuses of reality as per the two laws of thermodynamics as there's always a cost to any activity involving the use of energy. To that end, here's some excerpts from his wonderful essay titled Letter to the Future.

For me, the most paralyzing news was that Nature was no conservationist. It needed no help from us in taking the planet apart and putting it back together some different way, not necessarily improving it from the viewpoint of living things. It set fire to forests with lightning bolts. It paved vast tracts of arable land with lava, which could no more support life than big-city parking lots. It had in the past sent glaciers down from the North Pole to grind up major portions of Asia, Europe, and North America. Nor was there any reason to think that it wouldn’t do that again someday. At this very moment it is turning African farms to deserts, and can be expected to heave up tidal waves or shower down white-hot boulders from outer space at any time. It has not only exterminated exquisitely evolved species in a twinkling, but drained oceans and drowned continents as well. If people think Nature is their friend, then they sure don’t need an enemy.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from BRT. :)

A conversation ...

A conversation between yours truly and Gemini Advanced



Turing would appreciate this INHO as Gemini pulled out accurate scientific data effortlessly and made it comprehensible to this rube. Astounding without question.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Making sense ...

As much as I detest Agent Orange, the notion of reestablishing control over the Panama Canal and gaining control over Greenland vis a vis China's incursions into South America and their increased interest in the Arctic due to Global Warming's opening of trade routes, makes sense if one adheres to The Art of War in being totally aware of an enemy's intent as said knowledge is essential if one is to maintain the balance of power, thus limiting the dire possibility of a war where nobody wins. How this can be accomplished and should this be accomplished are serious questions to be asked because the great game of politiis equates to the game of chess writ large.

To whit.

H2O yet again :)

Water's unique. There is nothing like it in the known universe and ... it's the most important compound in terms of supporting life as we know it in an existence we will never fully understand. Here are some of the reasons why this take on H2O rings true.


One aspect of water not often discussed is the ability of ice to track entropy due to the fact ice expands because of water being less dense aa a solid. This expansion effect becomes apparent when the temperature falls below freezing and ice transforms into an amazing time machine showing how entropy's randomness level decreases as the temperature in the environment continues to go down. 


Channeling Steuben/rev XX

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Ghost in the machine/rev XX

You, my loyal readers know, that yours truly has waxed "poetic" about AI, the open ended tech already changing the world in ways not foreseen by civilization until now. Now, it seems Spotify, in their endless pursuit of money, uses fake artists and AI to create music in order to avoid paying royalty fees to real musicians, something absolutely in concert with how to do predatory capitalism right. Having been an artist all my life, I know, first hand, that one will never make a lot of money in this business unless one is blessed by Fortuna  because it's a discipline driven by passion, not money, something I discussed at length, as an adjunct prof teaching at Pratt, with students getting their masters back in the day.

Fortuna governs the circle of the four stages of life,
the Wheel of Fortune, in a manuscript of Carmina Burana[3]

I first heard about ghost artists in the summer of 2017. At the time, I was new to the music-streaming beat. I had been researching the influence of major labels on Spotify playlists since the previous year, and my first report had just been published. Within a few days, the owner of an independent record label in New York dropped me a line to let me know about a mysterious phenomenon that was “in the air” and of growing concern to those in the indie music scene: Spotify, the rumor had it, was filling its most popular playlists with stock music attributed to pseudonymous musicians—variously called ghost or fake artists—presumably in an effort to reduce its royalty payouts. Some even speculated that Spotify might be making the tracks itself. At a time when playlists created by the company were becoming crucial sources of revenue for independent artists and labels, this was a troubling allegation.

According to a source close to the company, Spotify’s own internal research showed that many users were not coming to the platform to listen to specific artists or albums; they just needed something to serve as a soundtrack for their days, like a study playlist or maybe a dinner soundtrack. In the lean-back listening environment that streaming had helped champion, listeners often weren’t even aware of what song or artist they were hearing. As a result, the thinking seemed to be: Why pay full-price royalties if users were only half listening? It was likely from this reasoning that the Perfect Fit Content program was created.

It gets better.

Perhaps most offensive about this entire alleged scheme, which Spotify seems not to have commented on in the excerpt published by Harper's, is that the company is doing so to avoid paying infinitesimally small royalties to real artists that generally only make a fraction of a cent per stream.

Though Spotify has repeatedly denied that it creates music in-house and said in 2017 that such claims were "categorically untrue, full stop," CEO Daniel Ek tweeted earlier this year that "the cost of creating content" is now "close to zero" — a bizarre statement to make for someone whose company claims to not be in the business of ghost artistry.

With the advent of AI, the cost of creating music becomes essentially zero but it's not just sounds, it's also images and, within a year or so, movies, a topic yours truly began talking about in earnest back in 2008.