for 2025 as one cannot predict the future, ever. :)
- The dumpster fire known as the Agent Orange administration begins its first year.
- Fluoride may be banned in public water supplies thanks to RFK Jr., someone totally unqualified to run NIH in any way, shape or fashion.
- The tech bros, Musk, Thiel, Besos, among significant others, take over government.
- The MAGAs get screwed again. The difference from 2016 is that they finally realize the truth about Trump for the very first time.
- Education. in the land of free and home of the brave. continues to descend into an abyss of its own making.
- Climate change, the 900lb guerrilla, creates the new normal of weather anomalies 24/7.
- 2025 will be the hottest year ever recorded but we already know that, right?
- Israel, with US backing, continues its pursuit of genocide 24/7.
- China's becoming the next superpower while the US continues to lose ground.
- Ukraine becomes the next Korea with a DMZ separating Russia from western Ukraine.
- Inflation is here forever, thanks to resource depletion, climate change and environmental degradation.
- Countries are splintering thanks to climate change and the rise of far right politics.
- England continues to go third world.
- AI's everywhere, AGI's possible entry rises up near the end of 2025.
- Facist capitalism and Neo-feudalism, thanks to gross inequality, goes prime time.
- Inept politicians pander to get reelected as the government slides into incompetency.
- US threatens Iran with Bibi's urging as Israel continues to run US foreign policy.
- Politicians continue to be bribed with pennies on the dollar.
- The Trump cabinet slides into irrelevancy due to unqualified entities running the show.
- The US becomes a cold, tech driven haven controlled by AI and the tech power elite.
- Women's rights no longer apply.
- Christian Nationalism becomes a thing.
- The supreme's corruption becomes obvious to the max.
- Analog computing begins to drive AI.
- Life, or remnants of same, will be discovered on Mars.
- US debt explodes with the advent of Trump's tax breaks for the rich.
- The grift is on once the lame duck agent orange assumes office on January 21, 2025.
- The death of empire for the US looms.
- Job replacement via AI moves into high gear as unemployment rears its ugly head for real.
- How much longer can the bubble, known as the stock market, continue to expand to red giant territory?
- The ability to generate stuff at the same rate as 2024 begins to shrink thanks to GW.
- The Arctic and Antarctic continue to melt at record pace.
- Greenland may become part of the US if Trump has his way due to China's interest in gaining access to the world's largest island due to its incredibly important geographic location. Why? because of GW opening up trade routes, thus creating opportunity and competition among nations wanting to control the region for profit and power.
- The same goes for the Panama Canal.
- Quantum computing finally becomes real.
- Quantum AI and the road to the Matrix becomes possible.
- The multiverse becomes a thing.
- Serious medical advancement, with the aid of AI, goes primetime.
- In the end regarding the art of prediction, one never knows, do one? - Fat Waller