Friday, September 06, 2024


[ noun soh-jurn; verb soh-jurn, soh-jurn ]
a temporary stay:

In this case, Ithaca, complete with short stops in town, Cornell and a visit to Woodstock, a place where yours truly shared space with 450.000+ back in August of 1969. 

Enjoy. :)  As an aside, the Argos Inn's a 10 in terms of service and accommodations. :)

Sunday, September 01, 2024

A tiny Ithaca sampler ...


Cornell/Rev 1


Of the feline persuasion :)

Conway's Game of Life

The Argos bar

Self explanatory is it not?

Groucho lives :)

Itsy Bitsy Spider ...

The French approach to the Bauhaus

Harmony 101


Cornell/Rev III



Channeling Arcimboldo

The Eyes have it :)

Yours truly loves jumping spiders. Tiny, inquisitive and incredibly smart, these engaging little guys captivate me to no end while also being an extremely successful predator to the max. The reason for the jumper's skill set is readily seen by this truly excellent clip describing how this amazing arachnid sees the world indirectly connects to the deep relationship of additive and subtractive color spaces as articulated in a "wonderful" series of blurbs residing in BRT under color. :)

Why talk about this? Well, vision is a prime driver of intelligence as it requires serious brain power to negotiate the 3D space in which all life lives. From the development of vision over 540 million years ago in the Cambrian to today, the capability to see was and is essential for almost all life on this planet to survive.

Rev II

In closing ...

the Eyes have it. :)

Jumpers also hear, very well, without question. 

Science, done well, never disappoints. :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blue Moon 2024 aka The Sturgeon Moon

August 19 | 2024 First of 4 super moons :)

Complexfication ...

Complexification, you know, the ability to bamboozle and confuse the great unwashed, like me, is everywhere. From needlessly complex software interfaces hindering one to do something simple like saving a file to a specific location to encountering blister packs requiring the use of industrial strength scissors to gain access to some gizmo residing inside while avoiding the possibility of getting badly cut in the process makes one crazy to a fault. 

As a designer, yours truly knows, from experience, to never let a coder design a front end to anything.

With this notion in mind, the interesting Wired article , Should art be regulated by the SEC: NFT Artists' New Lawsuit Seeks Answers. brings complexification to a whole new level.

Note, Click here to see BRT's take on NFTs if you dare. :)

In other words, Gottlieb says, it makes an investment contract a security. That can be tricky to apply to art, analog or NFT-affiliated. “When you sell a certificate, what you're really doing is essentially selling art collectors an interest in your art,” Frye says. That means buyers are investing in the expectation “that you're going to get more famous.” That fame, in turn, makes the art more valuable.

If you look at it that way and apply the Howey Test, Gottlieb says, it can look very much like art buyers are investing in a common enterprise and expecting to benefit from the artist’s efforts. The difference, Gottlieb says, is that “artists don’t owe you anything.” You may hope that your purchase of an autographed Brat album will go up in value as Charli XCX keeps selling out concert venues, but that wasn’t promised with the record’s sale. Same, the suit argues, goes for a digital cat cartoon tied to some blockchain-based code.

Sounds rather specious to me.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Nothing is forever ...

Memories depicting our view on reality, range from the internal residing in our minds to the external consisting of, in part, words, sounds, images and video, express, in no uncertain terms, what it means to be human. Said entities are fragile at best, something able to be lost forever at a moment's notice if we let it, is a most disconcerting circumstance thanks to the inevitablilty of entropy, something intrepid people are tying to prevent in ways most inspiring without question.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Fall of Phaeton

One cannot control something when one doesn't know how it works. It matters not what kind of entity it is, the fact remains, if the inner workings of any given entity remains unknown, one cannot control it. 
AI is one such entity.

As often state in BRT, AI is an open-ended tech able to evolve, something different from anything man has ever done. The kicker is the fact AI's evolving in real time, millions of time faster than us, a most disconcerting fact without question.


Being a good neighbor ... :)

Tarantulas are cool. Big, hairy and pretty awesome without question but it seems they're good neigbors as well as seen by the pix above. I had numerous pets as a kid but never the big T. Now being a senior, I would love to have one but the upkeep would be steep and my wife would never allow it so this Physorg piece must suffice for now. :)

I rest my case. :)

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Night Sounds

The night is the best time to hear sounds, whether it be insects tying ther best to survive another night or intense winds issuing forth whenever a fast moving high pressure system makes its presence known. This, plus full moons to illuminate the environment at large, completes the picture as to why nature never disappoints. :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024

Acadian Driftwood

8" to 12" & counting ...


Debbie pepe 19 hours ago — Great quarter road Sandy hook

About a year ago, yours truly made a guesstimate as as to how much time we have left regarding relative normalcy vis a vis global warming. The guesstimate was 3 years before the gorilla's true impact finally begins to take off. Seems the gorilla's getting rather impatient as CT just got between 8 to 12 inches of rain on August 17 - 18, an amount equivalent to what Houston got, courtesy 2017's Hurricane Harvey but without the wind, thank god. 

With this being said, let's talk about how climate change will impact the making of stuff, you know, the material one endlessly buys in today's materialist world as the prognosis' not good by any stretch of the imagination. In 2024, we are producing the most stuff ever, something that will radically change because GW's just beginning, a most disconcerting fact without question.

Rob White 19 hours ago — Oxford House / Oxford CT / RT6

Photo by William Bossen on Unsplash

Fire and Ice Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

Seems fire and water will suffice but what do I know. I'm just a rube trying to cope in these uncertain times. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Life ... finds a way

Summer is the best time to see just how persistent life truly is because nature's a tough place due to the fact competition for limited resources never ends, something readily seen with the intensity of bumble bees and Viceroys in their endless pursuit of nectar. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The age of extinction ... is here.

Do you remember when your windshield required constant cleaning caused by insects meeting their maker at speed, usually taking on a lime green color as your view of the road became increasingly compromised. Well, I do but not now as in the year 2024, yours truly's windshield remains virgin territory, showing yet again, the age of extinction is upon us thanks to climate change, the 900 lb gorilla promising to change how mankind lives on planet earth in ways differing from any other kind of disaster encountered thus far as said changes are happening in real time, a most disquieting circumstance entirely of our own making.

The Living Planet Report 2022 is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. This flagship WWF publication reveals an average decline of 69% in species populations since 1970. While conservation efforts are helping, urgent action is required if we are to reverse nature loss.

To whit

“The staggering rate of decline is a severe warning that the rich biodiversity that sustains all life on our planet is in crisis, putting every species at risk — including us.”

“Across the world, and in the UK, nature is on its knees and our leaders are risking catastrophic consequences for people, planet and our economy by failing to act. We are hurtling towards a hotter planet where nature — and with it, our food, our homes and livelihoods — will be unable to survive without urgent action now to save our climate.”

Download the full report Here.

As we all know, nothing of real consequence is being done as man needs a catastrophe in order to really make change happen. As stated in BRT a while ago, the potential for a true catastrophe centers on India as that nation lies in the epicenter of a wet bulb future.

India experiences temperature/humidity indices in excess of the numbers seen above which means ...

As George Carlin says, it's not the earth's that's in trouble, we are.

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Wire Mill

The Wire Mill

The company, founded in 1834 by Benjamin Gilbert and Sturges Bennett in the Georgetown section of Redding, Connecticut finally ceased operations in 2001. 

In 2020, Redding took ownership of the 44 acre Wire Mill property in 2020 after a lengthy foreclosure process, beginning in 2015, which ended as a victory for the town after a favorable decision was made by the Connecticut Supreme Court.

In 2024, the cleanup and restoration of this historic property will begin in earnest but before this happens, this clip readily shows just how complex and intense the remediation task will be in the months and years ahead.


Thursday, August 08, 2024

A sense of wonder ...

Two films posing the existential question, are we alone? Seems, as per recent findings on Mars  by Perseverance and Curiosity, the answer's becoming rather obvious but when one watches K-Pax and Contact, a sense of wonder issues forth regarding the possibility of intelligent life existing elsewhere as we know so little but that's ok. As per Richard Feynman, it's ok to not know everything but it's not okay to think you do.

Project 2025 ...

Photo by Pixabay, on Pexels

Going medieval seems to be the mission of the Heritage Foundation and the repugs with the intent modernity must be revoked and white men put in charge no matter how incompetent and evil said white men can be. With the SC already corrupted, thanks to Trump, Mitch and the Heritage Foundation as start point, why not finish the job and implement Project 2025 immediately after the Orange Menace becomes POTUS.

Mission Statement

The Left has spent millions fearmongering about Project 2025, because they’re terrified of losing their power. And they should be. Project 2025 offers a menu of solutions to the border crisis, inflation, a stagnant economy, and rampant crime. It shows how we can take on China, fix our schools, and support families. But most importantly, it dismantles the unaccountable Deep State, taking power away from Leftist elites and giving it back to the American people and duly-elected President.

Let's talk Deep State, AKA the defacto existence of the power elite residing in every civilization whether it be ancient China and Greece or modern day England and France because the rich and powerful, along with the military, have always run things as it's all about the money and its connect to power.
Always has been, always will be. 

Apart from this startling statement of actual truth, Project 2025 harkens to the past in very big ways.

To whit, as per Wikipedia ...

Project 2025, also known as the 2025 Presidential Transition Project,[3] is a political initiative published by the Heritage Foundation that aims to promote conservative and right-wing policies to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.[4][5] The Project asserts that the entire executive branch is under the direct control of the president under unitary executive theory.[6][7] It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with people loyal to the president.[8][9] Proponents of the project argue it would dismantle what they view as a vast, unaccountable, and mostly liberal government bureaucracy.[10] The Project seeks to infuse the government and society with conservative Christian values.[11][12] Critics have characterized Project 2025 as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to steer the U.S. toward autocracy.[11][13][14][15] Legal experts have said it would undermine the rule of law,[16] separation of powers,[5] separation of church and state,[17] and civil liberties.[5][16][18]

Project 2025 envisions widespread changes to economic and social policies and the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Commerce, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuels.[16][19] The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts,[20] but its writers disagree on protectionism.[21] It recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be transferred or terminated.[22][23] Funding for climate research would be cut, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles[vague].[24][25] The project seeks to cut Medicare and Medicaid,[26][27] and urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care.[28][29] The project seeks to eliminate coverage of emergency contraception[26] and enforce the Comstock Act to prosecute those who send and receive contraceptives and abortion pills.[29][30] It proposes criminalizing pornography,[31][32] removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,[32][33] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs[5][33] and affirmative action[34] by having the DOJ prosecute "anti-white racism".[35] The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of illegal immigrants.[36][37][38] It proposes deploying the military for domestic law enforcement.[39] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of those sentences.[40][41]

Question, do you actually think any rational person would like to see Project 2025 implemented?

I thought so. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

When the center goes ...

When the center goes, the rest of a given entity goes as well, something researchers fear will happen regarding Greenland's ice and the ongoing reality of climate change.

To whit.

"Finding these fossils in the center of the ice sheet is unambiguous evidence that Greenland's ice has disappeared [in the past]," said Bierman. "And once you lose the center of the ice sheet, you've lost it all."

The findings supports what's called the "fragile Greenland" hypothesis: that nature, outside of human influence, has caused the ice sheet to melt at least once since it formed, Bierman said. 

At 656,000 square miles, the Greenland ice sheet currently covers around 80% of the island territory. To put that into perspective, it's about three times the size of Texas.

Drill dome and camp for GISP2, in Summit Greenland. Christine Massey

End game ...

"In the early years of the climate warming, it was mountain glaciers that were doing most of the melting and adding water to the ocean," he said. "Now it's Greenland."

While it could be a few thousand years before the entire Greenland mass melts, Bierman said, the consequences would be dire: hundreds of millions of people could lose their homes and businesses. Places we hold near and dear to our hearts would be lost.

"As I like to say when people ask me, why does it matter? I say think about your favorite beach. And then imagine your favorite beach with 25 feet of water on it," Bierman said.

Friday, August 02, 2024


A Bug's Life, Pixar's action comedy for the ages, introduced a villain for the ages, Hopper, a power hungry grasshopper actually possessing no power at all when the ants finally wake up and realize said villain is a paper tiger after all, a reality that may actually mirror what's beginning to happen to Agent Orange now that Kamala Harris has replaced Joe Biden in the most important election this country is having since the Civil War. With this being said, the fever dream of The Donald may finally be ending if  Buttigieg's right regarding the insane, would be dictator who aspires to be king, if the orange menace wins the presidency in 2024.

I think so. I made myself watch the first couple Republican presidential debates, and we had a lot of Republican candidates this cycle. There were still some things that I thought were pretty fringe, and just about everything I heard I disagreed with, but apart from some of the darkness of Vivek’s populism, you could be forgiven for thinking you were looking at a more normal Republican Party. Look, we have fooled ourselves many times before into thinking that the fever would break. We thought it would happen before he was elected, when the “Access Hollywood” tape revealed that he had boasted about sexual assault. We thought it would happen when he was defeated, but he wasn’t in 2016. We thought it might happen after Jan. 6, and it very, very nearly did. So many of the people who are now kissing up to him basically turned their back on him then. We got so close to the fever breaking, but it didn’t quite break, because Republicans found that their access to power still depended on their standing with Donald Trump. If he leads this party to defeat a third time, I believe that the self-interest, just the internal power dynamics of the G.O.P., the very power dynamics that have kept them enthralled to him, even though so many of them know better(notably including, by the way, JD Vance, who, back when he was speaking truthfully and for himself, referred to Donald Trump as an idiot and compared him to an opioid, which is an exceptionally dark thing to say about somebody if you are from or connected to Appalachia as JD Vance is, right? And that was in public. In private, comparing him to Hitler, and now turning around and supporting him) — all of that finally breaks loose if they realize that attaching yourself to Donald Trump doesn’t just destroy your character; it destroys your access to power.

If is a big word ...

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Bring out the dead ...

A vulture in northern India, in 2020. A drug given to cattle in the 1990s nearly wiped out the birds in South Asia.Credit...Sanjay Baid/EPA, via Shutterstock 

Blowback or the law of unforseen consequences rules, in this case, regarding vultures and why they are so important to biodiversity and the survival of other species, including us, as somebody has to take care of the dead and vultures are some of the best at it as India found out when the janitors of the natural world were prevented from doing their job.

To whit ...

To say that vultures are underappreciated would be putting it mildly. With their diet of carrion and their featherless heads, the birds are often viewed with disgust. But they have long provided a critical cleaning service by devouring the dead.

Now, economists have put an excruciating figure on just how vital they can be: The sudden near-disappearance of vultures in India about two decades ago led to more than half a million excess human deaths over five years, according to a forthcoming study in the American Economic Review.

It's not just vultures either.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A temporary arrangement ...


Back in 2012, yours truly talked about time, entanglement and the quantum foam in a piece titled Entanglement, the Link to Forever, stating that time may be a temporary arrangement of the quantum foam as said foam would be timeless but artifacts like protons, neutrons and sub atomic particles coming out of it would be but temporary arrangements of the QF, thus experiencing the notion of time. Well, it seems researchers far more versed that moi have expressed the same concept indirectly referencing the brilliant ER=EPR conjecture created by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena in 2013.[3] 

The kicker ...

If so, the lifetimes of  Planck scale wormholes would be incredibly short, thus giving rise to how reality works at deep level so the question to ask is ... does the quantum foam consist of wormholes operating under the dictates of the ER = EPR conjecture as articulated by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena because if so, the existence of wormholes becomes scale invariant able to exist from the very tiny with lifetimes infinitesimally small to the ultra massive lasting trillions of years as needs warrant.

Carte Astronomique

As per my non-mathematical take in 2012 ... :)

I quote Tom Clark's excellent analysis of Tristram Sandy vis a vis the time equation as segue into the dark heart of Quantum Physics, the issue of entanglement and what it means to time, space and non-locality, issues physicists and mathematicians have wrestled with for more then 100 years and still have not come up with a definitive answer as to why two entangled particles, atoms or even molecules, can be separated millions (or billions) of light years apart yet their shared state remains inviolate. i.e. If entangled electron is "spinning" up, the partner's spin will be "spinning" down or in scientific terms...

If this is the case, does time emerge from the quantum foam when protons, neutrons and all the rest of the subatomic zoo appear, entities well known to science to be subject to varying rates of decay without question. Additionally, can entanglement create a connect not only enabling two (or more)  particles to instantly "talk" to one another no matter how far apart they may be but also be able to generate the reality of time experienced by all parties existing in this part of the multiverse. 

Lastly, could the ER=EPR conjecture finally explain how gravity not only issues forth from the quantum foam but also how gravity, in the form of entangled wormholes, knits together a a reality we will never fully understand.

Resonance 2010

The new research ...