Tuesday, July 25, 2023

X marks the spot ...

Back in the day, yours truly designed logos and honestly, there was never an issue as to whether I ripped off another logo in order to meet the needs of my clients as pride is a big issue with me along with the logical desire to avoid copyright issues in designing any given mark for said client. Regarding Musk, who seems to being having a nervous breakdown regarding Twitter, is also is having a brain freeze regarding rebranding with his ill advised design of X, suspiciously resembling the 1984 Microsoft X Window's logo depicted above. This is a no no, somewhat akin to the NBC disaster done back in 1976 whereby NBC paid a cool million for a geometric N, seen below, while an NBC subsidiary paid $100 for the same mark in 1975. Needless to say, the subsidiary made out big time. :)

Methinks Musk should stick with rockets and cars because his handling of Twitter has been an utter disaster.

The bird and name was much better IMHO.

And so it goes. - K. Vonnegut

Addendum: It's even worse than that. Seems Facebook has an X logo as well. 

FB's effort is sorta lame but it does exist. :)

Any questions as to why Elon screwed the pooch on this one? :)

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