Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Narcissistic collapse

Thom Hartmann writes well. Passionate, insightful and spot on, he explains things in ways this writer appreciates. With this being said, Agent Orange is the topic du jour, a toxic entity who's willing to sacrifice America in order to avoid the fact he's a failure in every sense of the word. IMHO, Hartmann's take is correct without question.

When I was young, I dated a girl who, on reflection, was a classic malignant narcissist. She went from loving me to, when I ended the relationship, stalking and threatening me with both social and physical violence.

This may well be what America has in store as Trump descends into a legal hell of his own criminal creation, particularly when he’s facing real jail time; if he’s rejected by the GOP primary voters; or if he’s the nominee and loses the election while still facing jail time.

It’s called “narcissistic collapse.”

He’s already using the language of narcissistic collapse, priming his cult followers to experience rage and act out revenge fantasies on his behalf in a clear call to stochastic terrorism.

When he spoke at Waco on the March 25th anniversary of another hard-right martyrdom, the Branch Davidian siege, he said:

“[Our] enemies are desperate to stop us,” and “our opponents have done everything they can to crush our spirit and to break our will. But,” he added, “they failed. They’ve only made us stronger. And 2024 is the final battle, it’s going to be the big one.”

Niece Mary Trump agrees.

Mary Trump, who has spoken out against Trump's political leadership, explained why she believes he is touting himself as the "retribution" of conservatives during an appearance on MSNBC. She also explained that she believes his messaging is centered around himself—not necessarily his supporters.

"He means he is his retribution. As has been well-established, and as you well know, he doesn't care about anybody else. This is all his grievance, his pain, his need to fight back," Mary Trump said. "With all of the cards in his back pocket, by the way, with all of the help he needs, it is his desire to undo whatever damage he believes has been done to him."

"We continue to remain mired in this loop, where I think a significant minority of people and the entirety of the Republican Party, either think something's going to shift or that they're somehow going to escape unscathed. And neither of those things is true. The darkness has always been there. But again, the more he gets away with, the darker it gets, the more he's enabled, the darker it gets," she said.

Any questions?

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