Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The 1st Amendment/rev XX

It's delicious when a site as smart as Above the Law truly is, decides to do a number on hypocrites like Leonard Leo, the far right Federalist Society Mastermind who has issues with aspects of the 1st Amendment he doesn't like, particularly when someone calls him a 'fucking fascist', a moniker acurately describing this guy to a "T". 

The individual who has had the largest impact on the federal judiciary is probably Leonard Leo, the man behind the Federalist Society. FedSoc has a goddamned chokehold on conservative judicial candidates. All of the GOP-nominated Supreme Court justices are current or former members of the organization, and the organization has been actively curating lists of judicial nominees that specifically align with a host of right-wing political goals.

Leo’s been busy cultivating dark money for some time now, and most recently was revealed to control over $1.6 billion designed to (continue) his redesign of American politics in the furthest right-wing image. Oh, and he’s made himself a buttload of money in the process.

In the New Yorker, Jane Mayer details a new lawsuit that alleges Leo directed the police in Mount Desert Island, Maine, to arrest a man that called Leo a “fucking fascist.”

According to reports, since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, fundamentally masterminded by Leo, there have been protests at Leo’s estate in Northeast Harbor, Maine. On the way to a protest, Anna Durand and her son, Eli Durand-McDonnell, ran across Leo, and they couldn’t help but make their feelings known.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

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