Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dumb toxic bastards

When Ronnie was elected in 1980, deregulation became the rule of the land with the end result of making modern China by off shoring manufacturing to gin profits for stockholders for the companies that made said stuff. While gutting America with extreme efficiency on the part of government, in collusion with big business, the seeds for creating the insane culture in America today were sown because people who have no jobs and no future is a breeding ground for anger, prejudice and hatred because if there is no money, education falls by the wayside, thus creating the perfect petri dish for creating the far right as the uneducated and marginlized are perfect places to sell the big lie whether it be the us against them mantra or electing people like W and Trump.

It's become an existential issue as to whether the US will survive, not only in terms of the impact of the far right and GW but also in light of the SC getting ready to gut Roe as the blowback on their ruling will end privacy as we know it thanks to states enacting draconian laws against abortion along the lines of 1984. 

You’ve met them. You see them everywhere. The dumb, toxic bastard. Covid’s the pandemic, but they’re like the plague of this age. I keep thinking of that weird scene from some kind of horror-comedy movie that happened in real life: the planeloads of people who took off their masks, whooping and cheering, in mid flight, egged on by airlines — never mind if anyone elderly, sick with cancer, immunocompromised, or someone who just doesn’t want to get sick was trapped on a tin can at 35,000 feet with them. Never mind reality, decency, common sense, civilization, truth, science, facts, logic, thinking, morals. High five me!!!

Dumb. Toxic. Bastards.

The far right is in control. Even when it’s not in power, it has power. Like how a Supreme Court can take away the rights of half the population, by overturning Roe v Wade, even though 70% of America doesn’t want it to. That is how ascendant it is. Think about that. It doesn’t even need to be in power to be able to alter the course of entire nations anymore — because it has redefined society and politics to such a degree that it is now indistinguishable from power. What do I mean by that?

The far right is ascendant because it’s managed to shift everything far to the right. It threw a Molotov cocktail through the Overton Window. What used to be the centre doesn’t exist anymore. Everything is now tilted ultra far right, listing so heavily that way that the whole edifice of human civilization is beginning to topple over. The far right has redefined the basic ideas of democracy to be what it wants — and they have nothing to do with democracy at all, just with having the license to be a dumb, toxic bastard.

Read umair haque's entire article as his take on politics rings true without question. 

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