Sunday, June 23, 2013

Are We Rome?

Terrific video showing how Rome descended from a vibrant democracy to a decadent dictatorship with indemic corruption, wealth disparity and surveillance 24/7. Sounds like America, doesn't it? 

Orwell lives as seen by the fact Snowden is accused of espionage even though he has not given sensitive information to any other country nor was he spying in any way since he was employed by Booz Allen to work as a contractor for the NSA. 

His "crime" sort of speak, was the fact he blew the whistle on the 24/7 spying exercise, courtesy of the NSA, something we citizens have the right to know about since we pay the bills to enable the NSA to spy on us, a simple fact conveniently ignored by the mainline press and lockstep politicos who routinely call Snowden a traitor and not someone who acted like Daniel Ellsberg, when he released the Pentagon Papers showing the duplicity of the government regarding the fubar known as Vietnam.

The US has become a digitally driven combination of Brave New World and 1984, where language is distorted to defend the indefensible while the middle class and the poor get ground into dust by the power elite and the minions who serve them.

Can we reverse course? Perhaps, if we are lucky and courageous enough to make a difference but time is running out on a once great nation that really did have an American Dream back in the day.

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