Saturday, October 14, 2023

What is a video?

Look closely at this gif as yours truly was right about AI generated video and the emergence of synthetic actors. Timeframe for the real thing: 2025/6. IMHO, every screen writer, director & actor should be puckered.

Beginning in 2007, yours truly penned several blurbs regarding the emergence of digital actors and what it will mean to Hollywood and the art of film. Fast forward to 2023 and the path to synthetic video, complete with AI driven scripts and CG environments, including digital actors, is taking shape as we speak. IMHO, it doesn't matter who the star is if the script and film work as a viable entertainment medium, what does matter is how a movie is produced because if you can do it cheaper with the same results, the move to AI generated video becomes inevitable and ... there's no egos involved unless the AI entities in said films become self aware, complete with all the baggage us humans possess in great abundance. :) RM

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