Saturday, October 14, 2023

Two scorpions in a bottle ...

Tragic says it all as occupation and dominance over a people's existence costs, something Israel has done to Palestine beginning in 1948 when 700,000 Palestinians were driven out of their land with the end result of hatred emerging from said eviction of a different kind. Truman blew it in not insisting on a one state solution where Jews and Palestinians had to learn to live with one another whether they liked it or not instead of proposing a two state "solution" existing as two scorpions residing in a tiny bottle where peace is but an illusion while extremest groups hold sway like Hamas and far right Jews working hand in hand with Bibi, Israel's version of Agent Orange writ large.

As long as the US plays a partial judge in this disaster, the tragedy of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will continue unabated while civilians of both entities suffer. One can only hope this catastrophie doesn't metastasize into something truly existential, a notion most disquieting to comtemplate without question.

Endgame ...

The Warsaw Ghetto comes to mind here does it not?

“History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” - Mark Twain

Addendum ... 

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