Thursday, August 11, 2022


Yours truly is an autodidact regarding graphics, design and writing as interest in all three were too enticing to not pursue said disciplines on my own. Seems the brain does this naturally as one must observe, orient, decide and act continuously, as per the OODA loop and it's deep connect to Godel's Incompleteness theoreems and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle as the only constant in reality is change and in order to survive, one must continually adapt in real time or die.

Now, it's AI's turn ...

For researchers interested in the intersection of animal and machine intelligence, moreover, this “supervised learning” might be limited in what it can reveal about biological brains. Animals — including humans — don’t use labeled data sets to learn. For the most part, they explore the environment on their own, and in doing so, they gain a rich and robust understanding of the world.

Now some computational neuroscientists have begun to explore neural networks that have been trained with little or no human-labeled data. These “self-supervised learning” algorithms have proved enormously successful at modeling human language and, more recently, image recognition. In recent work, computational models of the mammalian visual and auditory systems built using self-supervised learning models have shown a closer correspondence to brain function than their supervised-learning counterparts. To some neuroscientists, it seems as if the artificial networks are beginning to reveal some of the actual methods our brains use to learn.

And so it begins. - K Vonnegut

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