Saturday, December 04, 2021

Splinterlands awaits ...


America’s Natural Federal Regions

Meander: to follow a winding course applies here as America;'s following a meandering course in the throes of breaking up, something indirectly depicted here in the Natural Federal Regions map as the political and philosophical differences among Americans are too deep to paper over, especially in light of Trump, religion and Covid 19. 

For decades now, the United States has been stagnating, proving incapable of enacting meaningful reforms needed to survive the difficult first half of the 21st Century.

The causes of the USA’s terminal decline run deep, with unresolved contradictions piling up over centuries. Americans are only now perceiving the rot because the out-of-control pandemic has revealed its chronic lack of internal investment — and because the ubiquity of cheap communication has revealed the brutality at the heart of the violent State that has come to dominate the Federal Government.

BRT has talked about fragility with emphasis given to our two-party system as there is no flexibility in trying to iron out inevitable political differences residing outside the boundaries of a system as rigid as this. Nooze has a role in amping up the fracture as well. 

Splinterlands awaits. ...

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