Sunday, June 02, 2019

The man is NOT STUPID ... 2020 looms

The man is NOT STUPID in any way, shape or form. Crass, corrupt and venal, yes but stupid, not a chance, something the Dems just don't seem to understand in any way, shape or fashion.

The digital campaign for Donald Trump is already running at full speed. Same people, same tactics as four years ago, only this time it’s better. Better targeting, better focus on voter segments necessary to win again.

In 2008 and 2012, everyone marveled at how a tiny New York digital outlet called Blue State Digital broke the rules and played a critical role in Barack Obama’s elections. Today, the Democratic party is left in the dust. Blue State, acquired by WPP, is no longer part of the political game and, by and large, the Dems seem already outrun by the Republican digital machine.

Donald Trump started his reelection campaign almost the day he entered the White House. In fact, no candidate in recent US history has raised and spent so much in the first two years of office, as shown in this chart from the Wall Street Journal (numbers exclude money raised and spent by PACs) The digital campaign for Donald Trump is already running at full speed. Same people, same tactics as four years ago, only this time it’s better. Better targeting, better focus on voter segments necessary to win again.

The art of the sell ...

Vision quest ...

2020 looms ...

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