To start the ball rolling, "Heins did an experiment: he overloaded the generator to get a current, which typically causes the wire coil to build up a large electromagnetic field. Usually, this kind of electromagnetic field creates an effect called "Back EMF" due to the so-called Lenz's law. The effect should repel the spinning magnets on the rotor, and slow them down until the motor stops completely, in accordance with the law of conservation.
But instead of stopping, the rotor began to accelerate. Heins recounts that the first time it happened, the magnets starting flying off and hitting the walls, as he ducked for cover. "
Click on the YouTube video to see how Hein's Perepiteia Generator works. Who knows, maybe there is a ghost in the machine after all.
Click here to go to Potential Difference, the company Thane C. Hein formed to get the Perepiteia Generator out into the real world.
"Now, my suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose - J.B.S. Haldane.,
do you really have to be so critical about something so positive? In hundreds of years there have been fakes, phonies, cooks, and cons. this is the closest we have come to the real thing and instead of coming together to try and figure it out and improve on it
some of the so called smartest or greatest minds in the world can at best only find words of negativity and doubt babbling like idiots to try and prove they are smarter and they know why it is not what it clearly is.. or pretty damn close to it.
lol what a bunch of idiots.. and thats the best of what our world has to offer? mad because they didn't think of it first or couldn't even get that far.
too busy showing the world how in.. te.. llect ..u.. al (is that right)? they are!
If they are so friggen smart then why havnt they come close? could it be because they are to busy debating than creating? wow. and i have a g.e.d
put 5 of the smartest guys in the world in 1 room and i bet they could not solve the mystery of what the hell it is they are doing there trying to figure out what the hell it is they are doing there.. trying to figure out what the hell it is they are doing there.. trying to figure it out what the hell they are doing there!
heres a concept! try focusing on why it can work and it will work rather than why it cant work and get it dun.. i wonder if they realize 2+2 can indeed =5
probably focus on my typos rather than think about what it is i am saying.. here you weenies can email me about em.. kyro.anubis@gmail.com
smart guys! like the crips and bloods of physics
oh yeah.. keep at it thaine.. and give em all the reason in the world to hate!
this waasnt in regards to the post here. it was spawned by all the other forums and nate weinermans of the world!
jack asses!
My feeling about perpetual motion machines is totally neutral. I wrote this article because I am intrigued with what Heine has to say as he is being very cautious and upfront about what he is doing. Besides, he posted his findings which takes guts and conviction. I hope he succeeds.
Robert E.
dmpyrhikd http://crush-the-castle.com Crush The Castle
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