Sunday, February 02, 2025

Off the rails, for real ...

DOGE, run by Musk, a South African, now has access to the government's checkbook.
What could possibly go wrong?

What we are seeing here is Project 2025 writ large with Musk and company in control, not Agent Orange. What will be interesting to see is how the MAGAs react when the cost of goods go thru the roof due to tariffs, the perfect way to shoot one's foot when it comes to all things relating to economics. One cannot make this up and ... thanks goes to the Dems and Joe Biden for letting this CF of biblical proportions happen. Right now, our liberties and our country's future are being taken away piece by piece with the last insult seeing a self appointed expert on government operations taking control of how our government pays for services, something insulting to the max for any American who loves their country like yours truly. For the next four years, us rubes will experience an ongoing nightmare for the ages. The question to ask is, will we put up with this insanity or will we do something about it as this is an existential crisis unlike anything this country has ever faced since the Civil War. 

No one knows, do one? - Fat Waller.

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