Thursday, August 17, 2023

The limits of knowledge/rev X

Recursion, feedback loops and the journey to forever resonates when viewing this terrific illustration showing just how wondrous reality truly is. At the same time, while looking at the image, the limits of knowledge comes to the fore as one can never know everything about any given event thanks to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Godel's incompleteness theorems and Quantum Mechanics because there is no certitude, ever. 

This sentence is false.

Proof of the limits of knowledge writ large applies because if the sentence is true, how can it be false at the same time?

Uncertainty also applies in classic space as one cannot ascertain the momentum of a cue ball and its position at the same time. You can get very very close but not perfect.

As for certitude, go to a parking lot that's full. You know a space will open but not when.

The limits to knowledge rules ... yet again.

How to negotiate reality ...

Situational awareness applies as does Destruction and Creation.

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