Monday, May 01, 2023

It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when ...

Emergence/Luna Style

Why this pix? Well, one could easily see this as a sunset and not as a full moon revealing itself thru the cloud layer, something akin to how we perceive the emergence of AI, the open-ended tech, able to become the stuff of nightmares if we let it. Yours truly has been writing about AI for years, not fear mongering or fan boying but rather preferring to take a cautious approach to this astounding technology as we will never know how it works, ever, a condition most disquieting to this writer. With this in mind, Geoffrey Hinton, the godfather of AI, has similar misgivings because there is no certitude, a fact proven to be true time and time again by Quantum Mechanics, the start point for all things related to computation and reality.

To whit ...

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