Tuesday, March 01, 2022

It's time to pack the court

The Roberts' Court, the worst in history, is now contemplating gutting the EPA in order to not only meet the "needs" of fossil fuel producers but also, in effect, to dictate how government agencies should do their job in meeting the needs of the public.

The stakes are higher still: by ruling on the case at all, the court usurps power constitutionally entrusted to government’s politically accountable branches. Article 3 of the constitution limits federal courts to deciding concrete “cases and controversies” about the rights of individual parties. Yet this “case” involves neither a concrete dispute nor the specific rights of any of the challengers. Instead, it’s akin to an exam question about the options theoretically available to a federal agency to address a grave problem. In answering that hypothetical question, the court will have arrogated to itself an unprecedented, open-ended power to reshape the nation’s social and economic landscape – far in excess of its legitimate authority, as the foundational case Marbury v. Madison put it, to “declare what the law is”.

It's time to pack the court. 

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