Friday, July 09, 2021

Transformation 2Step

This pix seems to capture to yours truly what can happen to earth if we let it. A blackened landscape devoid of life under an enhanced orange sky driven by global warming as the point has past to bandy about theories of why gw is happening vs doing something about it. The great dying has begun and, if nothing is done, will include mankind if we let it. 

BRT has talked about ameliorating the impact of gw in terms of rewilding the world as per David Attenborough and now, IPBES is is talking about it in terms of ending capitalism as said doctrine is all about growth at the expense of earth, something akin to the film Elysium showing the end result of capitalistic driven environmental collapse we are heading for if we don't make the radical changes needed to avoid it.

Only “transformative change” can stop massive species loss, according to the report’s conclusion. That means overhauling the global economy to prioritize human well-being and environmental sustainability rather than the pursuit of profit. “We’re not addressing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, which is the way we organize economies, production and consumption patterns, our institutions, and our rules,” says Ingrid Visseren-Hamakers, associate professor of environmental science and policy at George Mason University and a coordinating lead author of the IPBES report. “We need to transform the sheer fabric of our society to become more sustainable.”


It can no longer be same as it ever was.

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