Thursday, July 08, 2021

A subtle dread ...

This pix, taken on a hot sunny day, sums up, in indirect fashion, what is happening in the world. A subtle dread is finally beginning to take hold on the great unwashed that something's amiss, that something wicked this way comes via global warming, the existential nightmare of our own making. With this in mind, the entertainment industry seems to unconsciously reflect what is happening with fare seemingly forced whether it be a spin off from Monster's Inc. or the SF film The Tomorrow War as we all deflect and try to avoid the unpleasant when viewed, in this case, thru the lens of GW and the changes it's bringing to Earth 

This also applies to politics as the abnormal is the new normal as seen by millions still supporting Trump and the big lie while the US continues to simmer under a burgeoning summer already beset by record breaking temps of a different kind. In a past era, would voting rights be so enthusiastically curtailed by the supremes and state legislatures or science be so completely rejected by those refusing to be vaccinated even though death tolls among these "free and brave" souls trend much higher than fully vaccinated rubes like your truly. Food for thought, eh?

Having read The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, the science rings true as a wet bulb catastrophe described in the book detailing the deaths of millions in India due to a heat wave just like the one experienced by the US and Canada will happen but, in this writer's opinion, it will happen sooner rather than later as the acceleration of GW's on the fast track due to the los of Albedo in the Arctic.

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