Thursday, May 06, 2021

4 takes on AI ...

4 takes on AI shows just how powerful this tech has become in just a few years, a fact showing just how open ended this software truly is. To whit.

In the NYTimes piece titled Why Trump Still Has Millions of Americans in His Grip, the article starts with why Trump keeps his voters enthralled but quickly segues to AI and what it will mean to work in America.

Take 2. The dark side ...

In a popular game, when AI is brought into the equation, the dark side emerges ...

Take 3, Aggression 2Step ...

When resources get scarce, AI bots become all too human.

Take 4, Dreaming of Shakespeare ...

Writing is hard. One has to practice at it for a long time before it becomes instinctive, something this writer has learned about the hard way as practice doesn't make perfect, it makes better.

Any questions?

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