Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Separation of Church & State yet again.

Separation of church and state vs religiosity to the max, a question not only raging in France over the killing of a respected teacher by an extremist ... due to the fact he showed the Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the blessed Mohammed in a classroom but also to what's happening in America with a combination of the ultra right believers putting christ into the equation in their pursuit to take over America. 

These two actions are truly dangerous, brought about by 
  1. The flood of immigrants to Europe thanks to the destruction of Lybia by the US and ...
  2. The elimination of the separation of church and state in America thanks to the Robert's supreme court. 
With this in mind both situations are liable to explode at any moment as modern civilization  is now under attack.

The question to ask here is, will laïcité survive in France?

Addendum ...

Another reason why this fight for a secular France rings true ...

America is now in the crosshairs. To be continued.

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