Friday, July 05, 2019


Supermodels, a word describing highly paid people to show off designer threads, is a term yours truly thinks patently ridiculous given how the fashion industry is totally dedicated to image and profit based on providing fantasy to us rubes 24/7. With that being said, the advancement of digital representations of said clothe horses parallels what is happening in film and graphics where one cannot tell whether the image is synthetic or the real deal.

It gets "better".

Fable Studio, which bills itself as “the virtual beings company,” created Lucy, a cartoonish character able to read and respond to viewers’ reactions in real time. The company says it makes digital creations “with whom you can build a two-way emotional relationship.”

Xinhua, the Chinese government’s media outlet, introduced a virtual news anchor last year, saying it “can work 24 hours a day.” Coca-Cola and Louis Vuitton have used video game characters in their ads. Soul Machines, a company founded by the Oscar-winning digital animator Mark Sagar, produced computer-generated teachers that respond to human students. Last month, YouPorn got in on the trend with Jedy Vales, an avatar who promotes the site and interacts with its users.

Edward Saatchi, who started Fable, predicted that virtual beings would someday supplant digital home assistants and computer operating systems from companies like Amazon and Google.

“Eventually, it will be clear that the line between a Miquela and an Alexa is actually very slim,” he said.

Virtual influencers come with an advantage for the companies that use them: They are less regulated than their human counterparts. And the people controlling them aren’t required to disclose their presence.

& it's cheaper ...

Any questions & ... It's just a matter of time for Hollywood just as well.

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