Saturday, September 28, 2024

The gloves are off

Nasrallah is dead, courtesy of a precise Israeli airstrike killing him and 6 others in opening up another chapter in an widening war threatening to engulf the entire Middle East thanks to the intransigence of Bibi and the never ending stupidity of US policy unconditionally supporting the entangled alliance America has with Israel.  

With this horrific event in mind, yours truly watched Lawrence of Arabia yet again, David Lean's masterpiece for the ages while also thinking about Lawrence's 7 Pillars of Wisdom, a visionary book written by the only Westerner who truly understood the Arabs and their deep connect to land, religion and tribe. With this being said, Israel has ventured onto a path both existential and terrifying thanks to a leader devoted to staying out of jail while leading his country into an abyss of his own making. 

Why Nastrallah was respected.

Enter Lawrence and how his take links to Nastrallah & Arabia

 “To me an unnecessary action, or shot, or casualty, was not only waste but sin. I was unable to take the professional view that all successful actions were gains. Our rebels were not materials, like soldiers, but friends of ours, trusting our leadership. We were not in command nationally, but by invitation; and our men were volunteers, individuals, local men, relatives, so that a death was a personal sorrow to many in the army. Even from the purely military point of view the assault seemed to me a blunder.”

Why this will not end well as no one is innocent.

Remember, it's all about the money, always has been, always will be.

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