Saturday, June 29, 2024

The British March Through Redding

History comes alive in Redding with reenactors recreating how the British marched through Redding during the revolutionary war. Educational, detailed and above all else, fun, as spectators, young and old alike, enjoyed watching how members of the Brigade of the American Revolution brought to life the 1777 march the British did on a mission to dismantle the Continental Army Supply Depot in Danbury.

Addendum: The raid on Danbury was a pyrrhic victory for the British as the Continental Army found their footing as a viable military force to be reckoned with, much to the surprise of the British who considered the patriots to be ragamuffins, not able to deal with the military prowess of the British Empire
in any way, shape or fashion. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

We are in deep shit but there are options ...


A raspy-voiced President Biden struggled to deliver his lines and counter former President Donald J. Trump during the debate on Thursday.Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times

We are in deep shit ... Agent Orange, serial liar but in good form as one possessing malignant charisma, successfully beat down Sleepy Joe, a man dealing not well with the ravages of old age, in a presidential debate for the ages. As an old geezer myself but not showing signs of dementia as of late, felt real sorrow because anyone possessing in depth knowledge of how governance works, would have made short work of Trump without question. 

As often I said to friends, Paddy Chayefsky would have been deemed crazy in predicting a scenario as absurd and insane as this but here we are as we move toward an election of truly terrifying implications if Trump wins, a notion voiced by this rube for well over a year and a half as the Orange Cheeto is Gladstone Gander, a guy blessed with not only a teflon suit able to ward off truly dreadful events that would send yours truly to jail for years but also is blessed with incredible luck in in beating Hillary in 2016 against all odds and now competing with a compromised Joe Biden in 2024.

Question? What should the dems do? For starters, dump Biden and pick California Governor Gavin Newsom to go after Trump with a younger guy able to deal with an obnoxious old bully with no redeeming qualities AFAIK. 

President Biden hoped to build fresh momentum for his re-election bid by agreeing to debate nearly two months before he is to be formally nominated. Instead, his halting and disjointed performance on Thursday night prompted a wave of panic among Democrats and reopened discussion of whether he should be the nominee at all.

Over the course of 90 minutes, a raspy-voiced Mr. Biden struggled to deliver his lines and counter a sharp though deeply dishonest former President Donald J. Trump, raising doubts about the incumbent president’s ability to wage a vigorous and competitive campaign four months before the election. Rather than dispel concerns about his age, Mr. Biden, 81, made it the central issue.

Time to make the move now ...

Gretchen Whitmer

And so it goes. K. Vonnegut

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Iron Dome

Against a dark night sky, Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, appearing as lights high in the sky on the left, intercepts rockets shooting through the sky from the right. On the ground are multistory buildings with illuminated windows.

Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system (left) intercepts rockets (right) fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza on May 14, 2021. Over the years, Iron Dome has stopped thousands of rockets headed for Israeli cities, but experts warn that in a war with Hezbollah, new tactics and sheer numbers could cause it to fail. Anas Baba/AFP via Getty Images

Bibi, the inept "leader" of Israel, is leading his country into Little Big Horn territory with his disastrous genocidal treatment of Gaza and his total ignorance of how tech is changing the modern battlefield 24/7 with cheap drones able to overwhelm any defense system if enough of them are unleashed, something readily understood by anyone versed with how warfare is now being conducted in the year of our lord 2024. With this being said, Israel now has an existential crisis on its hands due to the far right government running things with arrogant and abject incompetence with no acknowledgement the Middle East is different now as seen by not only the rise of Hezbollah as a viable military force but also with the resilience of Hamas against the savage assault of Gaza begun by the Israelis after the surprise October 7th attack conducted by Hamas.

There are no winners here. A two state solution is the only way if both entities want to survive.

"The enemy knows very well that no place will be safe from our missiles and drones," Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, said on June 19.

Keeping those weapons from hitting Israeli territory is the job of a sophisticated air defense system called Iron Dome. It has intercepted thousands of missiles over the years, and it has been critical to protecting Israel's cities during the latest war in Gaza.

But some experts warn that Hezbollah's arsenal could push the system past its limits.

The Iranian-backed group has been conducting increasingly brazen attacks using exploding drones and low-flying missiles that Iron Dome has struggled to intercept. And last week, Hezbollah published a 10-minute-long surveillance video from an unmanned aerial vehicle that had slipped past multiple Iron Dome launchers. Among the sensitive locations it filmed was a secure manufacturing facility belonging to the Israeli defense firm Rafael — the company that makes the missile defense system.

The implication was clear: Hezbollah has Iron Dome in its sights. And this could be just a small taste of what's to come, says Tom Karako, director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Unlike the Palestinian group Hamas, Hezbollah is believed to have a large arsenal of precision-guided weapons that it could fire in a war with Israel.

"Look, there's not enough Iron Domes in the world to contend with the reported 100,000 or so rockets that Hezbollah may have," he warns.

Missile launchers stand in an open grassy area, and one of them launches a missile up into the air against a blue sky. Some buildings appear far away in the background.

Iron Dome is a network of high-powered radar, a targeting computer and missile launchers spread across Israel. It prioritizes incoming rockets, and it attempts to shoot them down only when they're headed for populated areas. Menahem Kahana/AFP via Getty Images

Iron Dome's an excellent system but ...

But Kalisky has been watching as the system has struggled to deal with Hezbollah's tactics. The group has been using anti-tank missiles, which fly low to the ground. The missiles, which can be fired only over short ranges, are too fast for Iron Dome to intercept, and they fly below the minimum altitude of the interceptor missiles.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) also pose a problem for Iron Dome's radar, Kalisky says: The UAVs are made of carbon-based materials like wood and plastic that don't reflect radar as well as metal rockets do. "It's very difficult to detect them." Moreover, the border with Lebanon is home to a lot of birds that can be mistaken by the radar system for UAVs. "You have many, many false alarms," he says.

"To be honest, I think that Hezbollah recognized our gaps," says Zvika Haimovich, a retired brigadier general who oversaw Israel's air defenses from 2015 to 2018. "For that reason, they are using more and more UAVs in the last few weeks."

Tech never sleeps ...

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Reality Distortion Field :)

Cognitive dissidence, reality distortion field, lack of knowledge of all things scientific or tech, take your pick as it's just the beginning as man moves further into the 21st century. :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

3/26/24 - 3/27/24 Finding Redding's ancestors

Using ground penetrating radar, (GPR) finding long lost Redding ancestors residing in a small cemetery becomes an enjoyable learning experience for young and old alike.
Check it out, it's a fun and educational thing to do. :)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Fractals+ :)

A shallow inland sea

Vue is now free! Said software has been on my radar screen for years. Now available for all to enjoy, the desire to create tiny bits of nature with some degree of competency with this extraordinary software is finally at hand. Enjoy. :)

Water World ...

Inflection Point

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Who do you trust?

Image by Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images

Apart from sleaziness, greed, lying and bullying, Sam Altman's an excellent CEO, right? Add to this is the fact Sam Altman Admits That OpenAI Doesn't Actually Understand How Its AI Works, a notion yours truly has been talking about for quite some time thanks to the rise of neural nets, the program driven analog construct needed to enable AI to react to the world in real time, something human coders cannot do in any way, shape or fashion.

Sam Altman Admits That OpenAI Doesn't Actually Understand How Its AI Works

OpenAI has raised tens of billions of dollars to develop AI technologies that are changing the world.

But there's one glaring problem: it's still struggling to understand how its tech actually works.

During last week's International Telecommunication Union AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was stumped after being asked how his company's large language models (LLM) really function under the hood.

"We certainly have not solved interpretability," he said, as quoted by the Observer, essentially saying the company has yet to figure out how to trace back their AI models' often bizarre and inaccurate output and the decisions it made to come to those answers.

When pushed during the event by The Atlantic CEO Nicholas Thompson, who asked if that shouldn't be an "argument to not keep releasing new, more powerful models," Altman was seemingly baffled, countering with a half-hearted reassurance that the AIs are "generally considered safe and robust."

As for being a legit CEO, well, that's open for discussion is it not?

More than six months after Sam Altman was fired, then rehired, one of OpenAI’s former board members is finally spilling the tea on what happened behind closed doors. Helen Toner, one of four people responsible for firing OpenAI’s CEO, says Altman’s incessant lying created a toxic culture that executives described as “psychological abuse.”

In her first long-form interview since Sam Altman’s firing, Toner tells The Ted AI Show that executives came to OpenAI’s board in October 2023 with serious allegations against the company’s CEO. According to Toner, two executives said they couldn’t trust Altman and showed the board screenshots of Altman’s manipulation and lying. These executives reportedly said they had no belief that Altman could or would change, and their testimonies pushed the Board to fire the CEO weeks later. This interview, released on Tuesday, comes after weeks of public backlash against OpenAI where the company’s truthfulness has been called into question by Scarlett Johansson and former employees.

Let's think about this. Apart from greed and duplicity on the part of Altman is the fact he hasn't a clue about how Open AI's code works, the dark secret every major developer of AI shares due to the fact of program driven hidden layers residing in neural nets enabling AI, as stated before, to react to the real world in realtime. 

Geoffrey Hinton, one of the "godfathers" of AI, is adamant that AI will surpass human intelligence — and worries that we aren't being safe enough about its development.

This isn't just his opinion, though it certainly carries weight on its own. In an interview with the BBC's Newsnight program, Hinton claimed that the idea of AI surpassing human intelligence as an inevitability is in fact the consensus of leaders in the field.

"Very few of the experts are in doubt about that," Hinton told the BBC. "Almost everybody I know who is an expert on AI believes that they will exceed human intelligence — it's just a question of when."

Hate to say it but yours truly has been talking about ASI for years, something somewhat comforting when people like Hinton, who will forget more than what this rube will ever know about AI, agrees with me regarding this most discomforting reality while our civilization moves further into the 21st century.