Thursday, July 02, 2020

Soap Bubbles ...

Who doesn't like soap bubbles? With two grandkids in tow, blowing bubbles, especially REALLY BIG ONES, elicits loud screams of delight even this deaf individual can hear. :) Now, combining lasers with soap bubbles, create light shows for the ages. :)

Picture in your mind the delta of a river - the way the main channel splits into smaller rivulets and tributaries. Something similar occurs in waves as they propagate through a certain kind of medium: the path of the wave splits, breaking up into smaller channels like the branches of a tree.

This is called a branching flow, and it's been observed in such phenomena as the flow of electrons (electric current), ocean waves, and sound waves. Now, for the first time, physicists have observed it in visible light - and all it took was a laser and a soap bubble.

Think Jupiter, think oil in water, even think of Gustav Klimpt and his use of color and patterns resembling the imagery seen above, How cool is that? :)

Pretty cool indeed. 

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