An amazing portrait of the deadliest animal on planet earth, the mosquito, carriers of some of the deadliest diseases known to man & beast, has kept the secret of their success for finding prey for eons, until now.
As an aside, yours truly, unlike his beloved wife, exudes a succulent scent, able to draw in expectant mother mosquitoes in ways that truly boggle the mind. :)
Finding out what's real news is hard enough, finding out real news generated by humans, even tougher until now if GLTRproves to be a viable solution to a problem becoming ever more serious as we speak.
This clip is not about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's, The First Circle but rather the first circle(s) seen by man, first the Sun, then the Moon and lastly by rain drops falling into water. Enjoy.
A week ago, BRT stated that the actions of the MICis bankrupting the country with endless wars and untold waste at unimaginable scale. Factor in ineptness and the inability to manage money at any reasonable level whatsoever describes the defense department black holewhere, beyond its event horizon, nobody ever sees just how much of a FUBAR the Pentagon truly is.
Yours truly has always felt that the conjectured singularity in the center of a black hole was not possible given that energy can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed thanks to the 1st law of thermodynamics. With this in mind, scientists are starting to change their view of this notion to the possibility black holes are, in fact, worm holes, supporting the concept that everything is entangled, thus giving rise to reality, something truly astounding without question.
Something revolutionary is rare, something commonsensical and revolutionary at the same time is even rarer, especially when it comes to monitoring bodily processes noninvasingly, a notion whose time as come as seen by tech developed by the University of Cincinnati.
Yours truly loves America, a country loaded with amazing talent, resources and the ability to do great things is now in crisis because endless war is killing our great nation, something that has to be corrected or all is lost as seen by Ike's last great speech depicting the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex,a danger that is destroying our nation as we speak.
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist." Dwight Eisenhower
So when neocons like Bill Kristol, Mike Pompeo and John Bolton bloviate on how "easy" it would be to wax Russia and China in a fire fight, just channel Nam where the VC did a number on the US without having any high end tech like that of the US back in the day. Makes one think real hard about this don't you think?
Yours truly has been fascinated by the rapid rise of China as nascent superpower thanks, in large part, to the largesse of the US in encouraging its corporations to offshore manufacturing to China back in the 1980s, something that has, and is, compromising the US in ways that truly boggle the mind. If that's not enough food for thought, a very good and wise Hong Kong friend of mine, who knows far more about this subject than this rube, generously sent BRT his take on what is happening to America when inept politicians encounter an adversary who plays the long game in the pursuit of global dominance as we move further into the 21st century.
To whit.
China’s industrial development plan named “Made in China 2025” aims to make China largely self-sufficient by 2025 in certain technologies Chinese leaders expect will drive the “4th industrial revolution”. The plan’s longer term goal is global dominance in these technologies by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
Already, China has claimed sovereignty over, and militarized the South China Sea in contravention of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and in defiance of a ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague which has determined that China’s territorial claim is illegal. The tepid response to China’s blatant power grab by the United States and the western international community is an ominous harbinger of what’s to come with China’s ascendancy on the world stage.
Equally alarming is the increasingly strident tones of China’s calls for the reunification of Taiwan, again met with no substantive response by America or the western powers. The lack of a firm stance by America prompts the question: Will the United States live up to the security assurances accorded to Taiwan in the event of a military attack by China?
Across the globe, from Latin America to Africa and Asia, China’s strategy of building and financing infrastructure projects with the objective of gaining influence and control continues unabated under its Belt and Road Initiative.
These and other moves by China lend credence to the theory that it is pursuing a highly focused, methodical and relentless strategy to achieve global supremacy and displace America by its target date of 2049.
The center piece of the game plan is to undermine and sabotage American interests and influence in Asia. To achieve this objective China is manipulating the puppet regime of North Korea and deploying its leader, Kim Jong Un, as a foil against President Donald Trump.
For its part, the current administration is playing right into China’s hands by retreating from the world, leaving behind a vacuum of leadership which the Chinese are only too happy to fill.
When looking at this amazing work, one sees that the wave is a fractal in motion, where self similarity rules akin to how the center of a sunflower is created using a fibonacci fractal as the means to make it happen or the branching of trees where 7 or 8 subdivisions rule depending on the species of tree encoutered.
A very close friend of mine, who happens to be really smart, unfortunately, turned me onto this amazing article that promises to change how medical & tech deal with amputation. Kudos to D who turned me onto this stellar NYTimespiece A Swimmer Saved by What She Lost. :)
Artificial life now lives in a quantum computer with many of the same characteristics of the original as seen by It's Alive!, a blurb from Digital Trends.