Friday, December 22, 2017

Wate, Water everywhere ... :)

Water, as my loyal readers know, is an endlessly fascinating subject to yours truly, not only as compound extraordinaire but also as an entity that reacts to its environment in unique ways that boggle the mind, particularly when it comes to turbulence, whether it be driven by wind, gravity or combinations of the two in relationship to the environment in which water resides. With this in mind, water, when impacted by the aforementioned conditions, becomes a chaotic system that can never be fully analysed given the intractable law of initial conditions and the vagaries of an ever changing reality but mathematicians continue to try in spite of the immense barriers nature presents to spite these intrepid researchers. :)

When reading this, one is simply amazed as to how well math models reality even if it doesn't cover ALL instances of said particular instance of reality being modeled. :)

What Are the Navier-Stokes Equations?

The Navier-Stokes equations govern the motion of fluids and can be seen as Newton's second law of motion for fluids. In the case of a compressible Newtonian fluid, this yields

where u is the fluid velocity, p is the fluid pressure, ρ is the fluid density, and μ is the fluid dynamic viscosity. The different terms correspond to the inertial forces (1), pressure forces (2), viscous forces (3), and the external forces applied to the fluid (4). The Navier-Stokes equations were derived by Navier, Poisson, Saint-Venant, and Stokes between 1827 and 1845.

These equations are always solved together with the continuity equation:
The Navier-Stokes equations represent the conservation of momentum, while the continuity equation represents the conservation of mass.

Any questions?

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