Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Last Taboo

Being an atheist is still difficult as some people of faith have this amazing concept that us heathens have fewer scruples then they, something totally ludicrous to say the least. In politics, being an atheist is tantamount to election death as all the yahoos in congress must and do pledge allegiance to god in order to get elected as this has become the litmus test for electability, not competence, something we see in action by congress, a body of ineptness that truly knows no bounds of just how useless they are except that of pledging allegeance to god 24/7. Just see the never ending senatorial campaign in Arkansas to see why. 

In looking at this issue more closely, one finds that politics and religion are the only two professions not requiring a skill set in anything save the ability to be liked and talk a good line at a moment's notice. 

Regarding electability, check out the Politico chart seen above, showing that any atheist running for president stands little or no chance of winning though there were (gasp) closet atheists in the White House (Taft, Jefferson, Adams et al) and…god forbid, in the Founding Fathers, something the Sara Palins of the world seem to miss when ranting about god and this country being founded as a christian nation.

Things are changing for the better, particularly among the young, the most liberal and non religious group in society.  As they increase in number, the tolerance for atheists, like yours truly, will increase as it has for gays, something that bodes well for the reestablishment of women's rights and the eventual move to Single Payer as we move further into the 21st century.

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