Finally, the US is beginning to realize that biking and walking can coexist with cars in cities without too much of a problem as seen in the
US Today article titled
"'Complete streets' program gives more room for pedestrians, cyclists". When reading this, you get the sense people no longer
acquiesce to car-
dominated roads with no provision for bikers and pedestrians to go about their business without having to use their road rocket to get the job done.
This move to take back cities for the people who live in them is also involving the idea of free mass transit as this makes eminently good sense economically and environmentally as seen by studies like Fare Free Mass Transit and a blurb in the NY Sun titled Idea of Making Subways Free Advanced by Theodore Kheel. In CT, where traffic is a nightmare, people are advocating this radical idea as well because it would encourage people to leave their cars to take buses and trains to get to work if cost was taken out of the equation. Mike Bloomberg is in favor of both concepts for NYC but Albany politicos are leery that revenues would be lost but progress is actually being made.

A city that has an integrated city transportation environment is Portland Oregon where people can get where they are going with minimal impact on the environment.
Another city getting involved in integrated transportation is Austin Texas where biking is an art form thanks to Lance Armstrong.
Last but not least is the PBIC, Check it out by clicking on the PBIC logo seen below.
"Keep on Truckin'" - R. Crumb
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