Sunday, July 21, 2024

A temporary arrangement ...


Back in 2012, yours truly talked about time, entanglement and the quantum foam in a piece titled Entanglement, the Link to Forever, stating that time may be a temporary arrangement of the quantum foam as said foam would be timeless but artifacts like protons, neutrons and sub atomic particles coming out of it would be but temporary arrangements of the QF, thus experiencing the notion of time. Well, it seems researchers far more versed that moi have expressed the same concept indirectly referencing the brilliant ER=EPR conjecture created by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena in 2013.[3] 

The kicker ...

If so, the lifetimes of  Planck scale wormholes would be incredibly short, thus giving rise to how reality works at deep level so the question to ask is ... does the quantum foam consist of wormholes operating under the dictates of the ER = EPR conjecture as articulated by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena because if so, the existence of wormholes becomes scale invariant able to exist from the very tiny with lifetimes infinitesimally small to the ultra massive lasting trillions of years as needs warrant.

Carte Astronomique

As per my non-mathematical take in 2012 ... :)

I quote Tom Clark's excellent analysis of Tristram Sandy vis a vis the time equation as segue into the dark heart of Quantum Physics, the issue of entanglement and what it means to time, space and non-locality, issues physicists and mathematicians have wrestled with for more then 100 years and still have not come up with a definitive answer as to why two entangled particles, atoms or even molecules, can be separated millions (or billions) of light years apart yet their shared state remains inviolate. i.e. If entangled electron is "spinning" up, the partner's spin will be "spinning" down or in scientific terms...

If this is the case, does time emerge from the quantum foam when protons, neutrons and all the rest of the subatomic zoo appear, entities well known to science to be subject to varying rates of decay without question. Additionally, can entanglement create a connect not only enabling two (or more)  particles to instantly "talk" to one another no matter how far apart they may be but also be able to generate the reality of time experienced by all parties existing in this part of the multiverse. 

Lastly, could the ER=EPR conjecture finally explain how gravity not only issues forth from the quantum foam but also how gravity, in the form of entangled wormholes, knits together a a reality we will never fully understand.

Resonance 2010

The new research ...

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