Thursday, August 15, 2024

The age of extinction ... is here.

Do you remember when your windshield required constant cleaning caused by insects meeting their maker at speed, usually taking on a lime green color as your view of the road became increasingly compromised. Well, I do but not now as in the year 2024, yours truly's windshield remains virgin territory, showing yet again, the age of extinction is upon us thanks to climate change, the 900 lb gorilla promising to change how mankind lives on planet earth in ways differing from any other kind of disaster encountered thus far as said changes are happening in real time, a most disquieting circumstance entirely of our own making.

The Living Planet Report 2022 is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. This flagship WWF publication reveals an average decline of 69% in species populations since 1970. While conservation efforts are helping, urgent action is required if we are to reverse nature loss.

To whit

“The staggering rate of decline is a severe warning that the rich biodiversity that sustains all life on our planet is in crisis, putting every species at risk — including us.”

“Across the world, and in the UK, nature is on its knees and our leaders are risking catastrophic consequences for people, planet and our economy by failing to act. We are hurtling towards a hotter planet where nature — and with it, our food, our homes and livelihoods — will be unable to survive without urgent action now to save our climate.”

Download the full report Here.

As we all know, nothing of real consequence is being done as man needs a catastrophe in order to really make change happen. As stated in BRT a while ago, the potential for a true catastrophe centers on India as that nation lies in the epicenter of a wet bulb future.

India experiences temperature/humidity indices in excess of the numbers seen above which means ...

As George Carlin says, it's not the earth's that's in trouble, we are.

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