Saturday, February 17, 2024

The darkness in light

In looking at Goethe's take on light yet again, one readily sees why all the action in reality resides at the edges wherever two or more differing environments come in contact with each other with the resulting interaction often becoming unpredictable in ways boggling the mind. In rereading Physorg's The Dark Side of Light, the interconnectedness of reality comes into play due to the fact light, like all particles, is both a wave and a particle, thus giving rise to properties connected to not only the notion of shadow and darkness in light but also to recursion and its connect to the fractal, nature's journey to forever that never ends. 

It gets better.

Because Fractals are universal and self similar (ferns, nautilus, ocean waves, rivers, trees etc.) and Browinian Motion is a chaotic process (Random Walks etc., etc.), the dark light random vortices/fractals constructs in light have unusual properties, i.e. "(the ratio of vortex lines to loops and their scale invariance) are very similar to the properties of cosmic strings, according to the cosmic string lattice model."

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