Saturday, December 02, 2023

Time to cull the herd, right?

Two thousand deer are mowing through native plants on Catalina, allowing flammable grasses and shrubs to proliferate, an island conservationist said.

Herbivorous rats, you know, the beautiful white tailed deer of Bambi fame, are hardy and hungry to the max, Living in Fairfield county, yours truly knows what happens when any animal proliferates beyond reason in terms of habitat loss, something now happening on Santa Catalina Island, an environment unique in terms of the native species that have lived there for thousands of years. 

To Lauren Dennhardt, the lead conservationist on the island, there is only one way to save Catalina for future generations: Kill all the deer.

There's a reason why if one does the research.

Outrage has ensued over the prospect of gunning down deer from the sky.

Time to cull the herd if you want to save the habitat, right?

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