Thursday, June 08, 2023

If true ...

The UFO issue ramps up big time with two legitimate whistleblowers reporting that extraterrestrial tech exists, thus proving the fact we're not alone, something rather disruptive if their take proves to be true. 

To whit ...

Why this story has legs ...

The story was written by Ralph Blumenthal, who spent more than 45 years on staff at The New York Times, and Leslie Kean, an investigative science journalist known for her writing on UFOs. The two are best known for authoring—alongside the Times’ Pentagon correspondent Helene Cooper—the explosive 2017 UFO report, in which the journalists revealed a defunct secret Pentagon program—initially funded at the request of former Senate majority leader Harry Reid—to investigate “unidentified flying objects.” (The A1 story was accompanied with a sidebar written by the three authors and titled: “2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen.’”) On Monday, Saagar Enjeti, a political pundit and cohost of the Breaking Points podcast, proclaimed that Blumenthal and Kean’s latest report was “the biggest story in the UFO world since the 2017 NYT expose."

And finally ...

Something's afoot - Sherlock Holmes

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