Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Crazed times ...

Moon Rising ...

This pix reminds me about the crazed times we find ourselves in. For instance, during a walk, I see a guy working a leaf blower in a yard where there are no leaves yet he perseveres, hoping to find some in order to give credence to the fact he's actually accomplishing something of value. One see the same thing regarding politicians constantly running for office and never govern as it's easy to promise things too good to be true to the gullible instead of doing the due diligence required to implement sound policy to enable the country to better service the public because isn't that the purpose of government in the first place?

Tech enables the stupid to be heard and listened to. See Facebook & Twitter to see why.

Tech enables entities like QAnon to flourish, posting ridiculous lies believed by millions. Question, could QAnon be a malignant spoof designed to make money as said postings, written by two guys, as described by the NTTimes piece,  seem to point in this direction as seen by this gem posted below.

The rabbit hole beckons.

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