Friday, September 17, 2021


Too many managers, especially in America, says it all in terms of why this country is so constipated in trying to get anything done of consequence. As per one example as to why this is so ... The Army now has more four-star generals serving on active duty than the Army and Air Force combined had during World War II.

The fiasco continues.

 Houston, we have a problem.

The United States, more than anywhere else in the world, is addicted to the concept of management. As I’ve written before, management has become a title rather than a discipline. We have a glut of people in management who were never evaluated on their ability to manage before being promoted to their role. We have built corporate America around the idea that if you work hard enough, one day you might become a manager, someone who makes rather than takes orders. While this is not the only form of management, based on the response to my previous article and my newsletters on the subject, this appears to be how many white-collar employees feel. Across disparate industries, an overwhelming portion of management personnel is focused more on taking credit and placing blame rather than actually managing people, with dire consequences.


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