Saturday, October 26, 2024

Wikipedia, an addition for the ages :)

Wikipedia, an addiction for the ages :), is a resource this rube depends on as said environment is self correcting due to the fact the world's dictionary's constantly updated and corrected by dedicated fact checkers and researchers as needs warrant, something truly wonderful in a age filled with bogus data, increasingly generated by AI. With this being said, The Conversation has an interesting piece, indirectly channeling Lewis J. Carroll, in describing how people like us access an environment both trusted and loved in a way unable to be described unless one uses Wikipedia as often as yours truly.

To whit.

Busybodys, hunters and dancers

The new study explores the “knowledge networks” associated with the three main styles of curiosity: busybody, hunter and dancer. A knowledge network is a visual representation of how readers “weave a thread” across Wikipedia articles.

As the researchers explain:

The busybody scouts for loose threads of novelty, the hunter pursues specific answers in a projectile path, and the dancer leaps in creative breaks with tradition across typically siloed areas of knowledge.

Earlier research had shown evidence of busybodies and hunters, and speculated about the existence of dancers. The new study confirms that busybodies and hunters exist in multiple countries and languages. It also details the dancer style, which has been more elusive to document.

Yours truly, as my loyal readers know, is a cross between hunter & dancer. :)

The researchers also identified geographical differences between curiosity styles.

In all 14 languages studied, busybodies tend to read more about culture, media, food, art, philosophy and religion. Hunters in 12 out of 14 languages tend to read more about science, technology, engineering and maths.

In German and English, hunters were more drawn to pages about history and society than busybodies. The opposite was true in Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Dutch and Chinese.

Dancers were identified by their forward leaps between disparate topics, as well as the diversity of their interests.

Contribute to Wikipedia, it's the right thing to do. :)

Friday, October 25, 2024

Complicit ...

The US is complicit in enabling Israel to kill anyone they want including journalists. Genocide, war mongering and wanton violence is SOP in a country's that's out of control. This is total crap and a stain on both nations without question as ongoing war crimes are happening as we speak thanks to an entangled alliance from hell.

An Israeli air strike has killed at least three journalists as they slept in their accommodation in southern Lebanon, in what news outlets say was a direct hit on an area removed from the continuing conflict between the Israeli military and Hezbollah.

The air raid hit a compound in Hasbaiyya housing several journalists at about 4am (01:00 GMT) on Friday, killing two cameramen and a technician.

“This is a very serious incident. Israel didn’t give any warning,” Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan said, reporting from the southern Lebanese city. “Hasbaiyya is under no evacuation orders and, in fact, it has been relatively calm.

BBC photo

Three Lebanese journalists have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a building known to be housing reporters in south-eastern Lebanon, witnesses have told the BBC.

The attack was carried out on a guesthouse in a compound in Hasbaya being used by more than a dozen journalists from at least seven media organisations - with a courtyard containing cars clearly marked with "press".

The three men worked for broadcasters Al-Manar TV and Al Mayadeen TV, which issued statements paying tribute to their killed employees.

Lebanon's information minister said the attack was deliberate and described it as a "war crime".

The Israeli military has not yet commented, but has previously denied targeting journalists.

Orwell lives.

Chasing the Hunter's Moon

This year, fall colors in New England rule as seen in this short clip as prelude to seeing
the Hunter's Moon in all its glory. :)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Once done ...

Have said this for years regarding climate change, once done, it's done. We have passed 1.5 C while fossil fuel use continues to rise. As stated before, the only real change will happen when a catastrophe of biblical proportions occurs. In this case, India looks like a real possibility, or possibly Pakistan, as high temps and humidity point toward web bulb territory, a most frightening scenario for any country and its people to face as man moves further into the 21st century.

Tech companies think they can reverse climate change with fancy new tools to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. But new research throws cold water on the idea that cooling the planet after it has already heated beyond a key turning point can avoid serious damage. Much of the toll climate change takes — from rising seas to lost homes — can’t be undone, recent research published in the journal Nature warns.

That makes it all the more urgent for governments and companies with climate goals to slash pollution from fossil fuels now, rather than offsetting or capturing their greenhouse gas emissions after the fact.

One of the hopes with carbon removal is that it can potentially reverse climate change, bringing temperatures back down if we overshoot that 1.5-degree target. But things won’t just go back to normal, the new research conducted by 30 scientists shows. Melting ice from glaciers would continue to raise sea levels “for centuries to millennia,” for example, a phenomenon that has already pushed people from their homes along vulnerable coastlines. And even if the globe’s average temperature comes back down, it’s hard to say exactly what outcome to expect from region to region.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Being Inconvenienced ...


This pix, taken by yours truly, indirectly connects to an insightful piece written by Nicholas Taleb titled The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority, an often overlooked dark truth not only corrupting how the US is governed, (Think Trump, W & the Electoral College) but also on how the intolerant often foist upon society things the majority doesn't want because being inconvenienced is not tolerated, especially in the pursuit of money.

To whit


Sunday, October 20, 2024

A difference of opinion :)

You gotta laugh, right? Liuyu Animation rules. :)

0 & then Sum ...


When looking at this "wonderful" pix taken by yours truly, the relationship of infinity to zero applies as said entities are complimentary to each other as one requires the other in order to become complete, something beautifully illustrated by the Yang/Yin symbol showing the two forever transitioning from zero to infinity while, at the same time, possessing some of the characteristics of the other depicted by dots of opposing color residing in the center of each. 

With this in mind, it seems 0's are hardwired into the brain because zero, like infinity, journeys to forever, a concept really hard to let go of without question. :)

Factoid, The ancient Greeks hated the notion of zero. This is why Zeno's Paradox works. :)

Everything's connected. 

Hunter's Moon

The ultimate enabler

Without the US as ultimate enabler, Israel would cease to exist, something to consider when seeing how Israel is "interacting" with neighboring states. Now comes a security breach, which sounds legitimate, regarding Israel's expected response to Iran's Oct 1 missile attack, a most disconcerting turn of events possibly opening the gates of hell known as WW III.

To whit.

The data.

The documents are attributed to the US Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, and they note that Israel was still moving military assets in place to conduct a military strike in response to Iran’s blistering ballistic missile attack on 1 October. They were sharable within the “Five Eyes”, which are the US, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

The documents, which are marked top secret, were posted to the Telegram messaging app and first reported by CNN and Axios. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The investigation is also examining how the documents were obtained – including whether it was an intentional leak by a member of the US intelligence community or obtained by another method, like a hack – and whether any other intelligence information was compromised, one of the officials said. As part of that investigation, officials are working to determine who had access to the documents before they were posted, the official said.

The horror, the horror ...

In the national interest ...

Seems America's national interests don't matter, only Israel's as its logical for a country with 9.3 million citizens and smaller than New Jersey should be the tail wagging the dog here without question.

Israel vs the US.

The abyss looms.