Friday, June 28, 2024

We are in deep shit but there are options ...


A raspy-voiced President Biden struggled to deliver his lines and counter former President Donald J. Trump during the debate on Thursday.Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times

We are in deep shit ... Agent Orange, serial liar but in good form as one possessing malignant charisma, successfully beat down Sleepy Joe, a man dealing not well with the ravages of old age, in a presidential debate for the ages. As an old geezer myself but not showing signs of dementia as of late, felt real sorrow because anyone possessing in depth knowledge of how governance works, would have made short work of Trump without question. 

As often I said to friends, Paddy Chayefsky would have been deemed crazy in predicting a scenario as absurd and insane as this but here we are as we move toward an election of truly terrifying implications if Trump wins, a notion voiced by this rube for well over a year and a half as the Orange Cheeto is Gladstone Gander, a guy blessed with not only a teflon suit able to ward off truly dreadful events that would send yours truly to jail for years but also is blessed with incredible luck in in beating Hillary in 2016 against all odds and now competing with a compromised Joe Biden in 2024.

Question? What should the dems do? For starters, dump Biden and pick California Governor Gavin Newsom to go after Trump with a younger guy able to deal with an obnoxious old bully with no redeeming qualities AFAIK. 

President Biden hoped to build fresh momentum for his re-election bid by agreeing to debate nearly two months before he is to be formally nominated. Instead, his halting and disjointed performance on Thursday night prompted a wave of panic among Democrats and reopened discussion of whether he should be the nominee at all.

Over the course of 90 minutes, a raspy-voiced Mr. Biden struggled to deliver his lines and counter a sharp though deeply dishonest former President Donald J. Trump, raising doubts about the incumbent president’s ability to wage a vigorous and competitive campaign four months before the election. Rather than dispel concerns about his age, Mr. Biden, 81, made it the central issue.

Time to make the move now ...

Gretchen Whitmer

And so it goes. K. Vonnegut

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