Something is different this time. This is the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history, and this particular strain appears to be spreading much more easily than others have. So far, 1,323 people have been infected in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Of those 1,323 victims, a whopping 729 of them have died. But a number that is even more alarming was buried in the middle of a Reuters report on Friday. According to Reuters, “more than 100 health workers” that have been fighting Ebola in Africa have contracted the virus themselves. Considering the extraordinary measures that these health workers take to keep from getting the disease, that is quite chilling. We are not just talking about one or two “accidents”. We are talking about more than 100 of them getting sick. If Ebola is spreading this easily among medical professionals in biohazard body suits that keep any air from touching the skin, what chance are the rest of us going to have if this virus gets out into the general population?
12 Monkeys comes to mind when reading about Ebola as this amazing film gives you the willies, you know, the creeping feeling of dread one gets regarding a possibly catastrophic event happening, something totally out of anyone's control, something truly frightening like an Ebola type virus getting out into the wild, able to kill with horrific efficiency. Yours truly is certainly not panicking as of yet but keeping a watchful eye on this rapidly evolving situation is not such a bad idea. Seen below is the life cycle of this most dangerous of diseases.
Something different applies here as well.
"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said, as the WHO formally launched a $100 million response plan that includes deploying hundreds more health care workers.
here to get the CDC's take on Ebola.
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