Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Phase Transition Writ Large

Back in November, 2011, BRT wrote a post titled Something to Consider, a riff on the Permian Extinction AKA the Great Dying whereby 90 - 95% of all life went the way of the Dodo due to a massive "injection of CO2 into the atmosphere", probably due to "the eruptions that formed the Siberian Traps, the stairlike hilly region in northern Russia." which resulted in the "long-term ocean acidification, ocean warming and vast areas of oxygen-poor ocean water." that extinguished nearly  all life on the planet, something we are starting to see today thanks to the continued and unfettered use of fossil fuels, today's answer to the Siberian Traps, when it comes to producing CO2, the start point for all of the mass extinctions life has faced over that past 3.8 billions years.

With this in mind, Last Hours is most apt don't you think?

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