Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dead End?

Yours truly loves the net. I can honestly say I have been using it since the time of Arpa, phones placed in modem/headsets ( War Games ) and 6 kilobaud data rates, to talk to other geeks about the wonders of an environment years before the advent of Mosaic, the first GUI web browser that was developed, in large part, by the research done by  Tim Berners-Lee @ Cern using the NeXT computer  to create the HTTP protocol that all browsers use to access the web. During this time, we all have seen the tremendous changes, for both good and bad, wrought by the web upon the world at large but it's now under attack by the powers at be, slowly changing this wonderful and wild environment into something Orwell would understand as the start point to 1984.

When looking at this, one sees, courtesy of the net that's under siege, how government, in collusion with big corporations, is trying to change the net in ways that impact us all. The question to ask is, what are we going to do about it? Click here to help stop this nonsense before it's too late, our freedom really does depend on it if we don't.

End of rant.

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