Sunday, April 25, 2010


HAL 9000, the mythical computer conceived by Arthur C. Clarke in 2001, unwittingly turned villainous by having to conceal the real reason for the mission to Jupiter to Dave Bowman, has never been realized until now...


1.In our brain, during computing, information processing circuits evolve continuously to solve complex problems. We have created a similar process of circuit evolution in an organic molecular layer, which also solves complex problems. This brain-like "evolutionary circuit" is realized for the first time in the world.
2.Our computer is massively parallel: whereas the world's fastest supercomputers process bits sequentially in each their channels, our circuit allows instantaneous changes of ~300 bits at a time.
3.Our processor can produce solutions to problems for which algorithms on computers are unknown, like predictions of natural calamities and outbreak of diseases. To prove this unique feature, we have mimicked two natural phenomena: the diffusion and evolution of cancer cells at the molecular scale.
4.We have realized organic Monolayers with an IQ. Our monolayer has intelligence. 
5.Our molecular processor heals itself if there is any defect. It has got its remarkable self-healing property from the self-organizing ability of the molecular monolayer. No existing man-made computer has this property, but our brain does: if a neuron dies, another neuron takes over its function.


1. To match the power of a bio-processor, hardware must be dynamic and it should evolve along with the encoded problem, as proposed by Hopfield and Tank in 1987. After 23 years, we have realized that technology in practice using an assembly of molecular switches.
2. Our evolutionary circuit is based on the Cellular Automaton model, which was proposed in 1955 by Von Neumann. For the first time this model has now been realized physically by molecular monolayers.

Ripple effect and future developments

1. We will be able to solve problems that are beyond the power of current computers. Especially ill-defined problems, like the prediction of natural calamities, prediction of diseases, and Artificial Intelligence, will benefit from the huge instantaneous parallelism of our molecular templates.
2. Robots will become much more intelligent and creative than today if our molecular computing paradigm is adopted. Current robots cannot cope with changing environments, and they will be unable to survive in more hostile environments than those they were programmed for. Their intelligence is very limited, even when compared to viruses and bacteria. With our hardware, robots can take many decisions at a time, which no computer can do. They can come up with new solutions nearly for infinite times which we can never expect from a normal robot.

Sounds like HAL doesn't it? If proven to work in the real world, the rise of "real" AI has arrived. Seen above is an MRI showing how the computing construct mimics the brain in differing situations - to whit...Magnetic resonance images of human brain during different functions appear on top. Similar evolving patterns have been generated on the molecular monolayer one after another (bottom). A snapshot of the evolving pattern for a particular brain function is captured using Scanning Tunneling Microscope at 0.68 V tip bias (scale bar is 6 nm). The input pattern to mimic particular brain function is distinct, and the dynamics of pattern evolution is also typical for a particular brain operation. Credit: Anirban Bandyopadhyay

The question to ask now is, are we ready for it?

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