Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Textbook Publishing Redefined

One of the biggest PIA's in the world is getting college textbooks for Charley when Charley goes to college. Cost for one time use for books can easily top $1200, not to mention the environmental impact of having to throw these tomes of knowledge into the town dump when Charley is finished with them. (Many recycling centers have problems disposing of books but this is changing, thank god.)

Enter FlatWorld Knowledge, a startup that has a viable solution to this most painful process of buying college textbooks.

"We preserve the best of the old - books by leading experts, rigorously reviewed and developed to the highest standards. Then we flip it all on its head.

Our books are free online. We offer convenient, low-cost choices for students – softcovers for under $30, audio books and chapters, self-print options, and more. Our books are open for instructors to modify and make their own (for their own course - not for anybody else's). Our books are the hub of a social learning network where students learn from the book and each other.

Wish this was available when my kid went to school.

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