Thursday, September 20, 2007

Drawing on Air

Something much cooler that Air Guitar or Karaoke comes from the world of Brown University whereby artists can work in 3D at a far more intuitive level as... "Drawing on Air uses drawing guidelines, force feedback, and two-handed interaction to help artists draw this type of curve more precisely. The system then transfers the 3D drawing into the computer for use in 3D modeling, design, and illustration programs."

This kind of tech has been around for quite some time (University of North Carolina, Cornell etc., etc.) but Brown enabled their system to work with existing apps like a Maya or ProEngineer by having it generate output (iges etc., etc.) that programs like these can work with. Without a doubt, this kind of interface will make it big once price points and ease of integration into existing systems becomes a fait accompli because working in 3 space can be a daunting task, particularly when dealing with complex surfaces like a car body or handlebars on a racing bike.

IMHO, Henry Moore or Isamu Noguchi would have jumped on this tech big time.

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